Title (english) Green marketing and ecologic design
Author Esmeralda Marčeta
Mentor Sanja Rocco (mentor)
Committee member Dorotea Milas (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Tomislav Ivančević (član povjerenstva)
Granter Zagreb School of Business Zagreb
Defense date and country 2020-10-13, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Economics Marketing
Abstract Očuvanje okoliša nije ni malo lak zadatak, zato je tu brigu preuzeo „Zeleni marketing“ informiranjem, oznakama i simbolima na proizvodu kako bi osvijestili potrošače. Na promjene poslovanja često utječu i promjene u okruženju i društvu, promjene u tehnološkom i ekonomskom razvoju. Sve navedene promjene utječu i na želje i potrebe potrošača. Osnovni cilj Zelenog marketinga je realizacija dobiti ali uz očuvanje i pozitivan doprinos okruženju. Javljanjem zelenih potrošača pružaju se nove
... More mogućnosti gospodarskim subjektima za razvoj i njihovo napredovanje. Podrazumijeva se suradnja sa dobavljačima i trgovcima, partnerima i konkurentima kako bi se u konačnici ostvario ekološki održivi razvoj.
Svrha rada je ukazati na to kako zeleni marketing danas postaje jedna od najbitnijih aktivnosti poduzeća. Instrumenti koji se koriste kod zelenog marketinškog miksa su zeleni proizvodi, zelena ambalaža, zelene usluge, zelena cijena, označivanje zelenih proizvoda ili usluga i zelena komunikacija. Postoji pet skupina potrošača, koje možemo razvrstati na one istinske koji se izrazito brinu o okolišu te oni koji će povremeno kupovati ekološki prihvatljiviji proizvod iako nisu politički aktivni. Isto tako postoji i ona skupina potrošača koja ne brine o okolišu i socijalnim pitanjima, samim time niti neće kupiti ekološki proizvod. Zeleni marketing u praksi analiziramo kroz primjer kampanje Bill Forda, te zelene bočice koju je predstavila Coca-cola. Posebno se u radu objašnjava značenje ekoloških oznaka na ambalaži a provedeno je i primarno istraživanje metodom ankete. Less
Abstract (english) Preserving the enviroment is not an easy task, so Green Marketing has taken care of that by informing, labeling and symbolising the product to make consumers aware of that. Business changes are often affected by changes in the enviroment and society, changes in technological and economic development. All these changes affect the desires and needs of consumers. The main goal of Green Marketing is the realisation od profits, but with preservation and a positive contribution to the
... More enviroment at the same time. The emergence of green costumers provides new opportunities for economic entities fo developmwnt and their advancement. It involves working with suppliers and trades, partners and competitors to ultimately axhieve environmentally sustainable development.
The purpose of this paper is to point out how green marketing is becoming on of the most important activities od a company today. The first and second chapters describe green marketing and its origins. The third chapter deals with one of the basic marketinf tools, which servis as the mail guideline in determining the way a product and / or servise is positioned in the market. The marketing mix includes product, prise, distribution and promotion. The instruments used in the green marketing mix are green products, green packaging, green servisec, green price, labeling of green product or services and green communication. There are five groups of consumers, which we can classify into genuine ones who care very much about the envirnment and those who will occasionally buy a more environmentally friendly product even though they are not politically active. There is also a group of consumes ho do not care about the environment and social issues, and therefore will not buy an organic product. We analyze green marketing in practice though the example of the Bill Ford campaign, and the green bottle presented by Coca-Cola. The meaning of eco-symbols for packaging are explained and a primary research was also conducted applying a survey method. Less
zeleni marketing
zeleni potrošač
društveni marketing
ekološki simboli
Keywords (english)
green marketing
green consumer
social marketing
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:180:521441
Study programme Title: Marketing management Study programme type: professional Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: stručni prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) marketinga i komunikacija (stručni prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) marketinga i komunikacija)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
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Created on 2023-04-11 08:27:54