Title Uloga komunikacijskih vještina u upravljanju ljudskim potencijalima u turizmu
Title (english) The role of communication skills in managing human resources in tourism
Author Gloria Sertić
Mentor Tanja Grmuša (mentor)
Committee member Željka Zavišić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Neven Šipić (član povjerenstva)
Granter Zagreb School of Business Zagreb
Defense date and country 2020-10-05, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Information and Communication Sciences Communicology
Abstract Ljudski potencijali predstavljaju živući faktor svake korporacije te su jedinstveni i neophodni u poslovanju. Usmjereni su na budućnost strategijskog poslovanja u svrhu postizanja ciljeva poduzeća. Zaposlenici u kadru ljudskih potencijala ulažu u dodatna obrazovanja, kreiraju sustav ocjenjivanja i motiviranja zaposlenika, potiču kreativnost zaposlenika, nagrađuju pojedince ili tim kao i mnogobrojne druge zadatke. Sektor se susreće s različitim izazovima, posebno u vrijeme turističke sezone. Najveći fokus imaju na zaposlenike i njihova moralna načela. Potrebno je imati razvijene kvalitetne komunikacijske vještine i emocionalnu inteligenciju kako bi se strategija/misija mogla prezentirati zaposlenicima, što će ih u konačnici motivirati za daljnji rad i razvoj karijernog puta. Studijom slučaja korporacije Love Carpe Diem u ovom je radu prikazano stvarno stanje ove profesije i svi izazovi s kojim se ljudski potencijali susreću. Pojavom globalne pandemije, turizam se našao u velikoj krizi u kojoj su poslodavci morali brzo i efikasno tražiti najbolja rješenja za nastalu situaciju. Unatoč nastaloj pandemiji i velikom strahu od putovanja, poslodavci su se nadali donekle dobroj turističkoj sezoni. Dobra epidemiološka situacija u našoj zemlji rezultirala je dolaskom turista koji su se osjećali sigurno i bezbrižno. Broj novozaraženih porastao je usred turističke sezone što je rezultiralo naglim odlaskom velikog broja turista. Određene zemlje izdale su odredbe o obveznoj samoizolaciji prilikom povratka iz naše zemlje, što je bio dodatni udarac na ionako slabiju turstičku sezonu. Love Carpe Diem također se našao u teškoj situaciji, s manjkom hoteljera s kojima surađuju i manjkom osoblja koje šalju na destinacije ova je turistička sezona iznimno izazovna i nepredvidiva. Cilj je ovog rada prikazati način na koji poduzeće komunicira i motivira svoje zaposlenike u izazovnim situacijama poput ove. Korištena je kombinirana metodologija kako bih se približilo stvarno stanje jednog turističkog poduzeća. Studijom slučaja i dubinskim intervjuom prikazana je organizacijska struktura i podjela sektora te njihovih zadataka.
Abstract (english) Human Resources are an active component of any corporation, unique and essential for any business venture. HR looks toward the future by doing business strategically, all in order to achieve the goals set by a given company. Persons working in the HR sector provide employees with additional training; create evaluation systems and motivational support; encourage employees to be creative; they reward the individual or the team, etc. The HR sector is faced with numerous challenges, especially during tourism season. Its primary focus is the employee and their personal values. It is necessary to have highly developed communication skills as well as a developed emotional intelligence in order for a given strategy/mission to be presented to employees, which motivates them, in turn, to continue developing themselves further. Using the Love Carpe Diem company as a case study, this paper showcases the realities and daily challenges of the HR profession. With the rise of this global pandemic, the tourism industry is faced with an enormous crisis, with employers having to seek out the optimal solution for the situation. Despite the pandemics and the growing fear of travelling, employers were still hoping for a somewhat positive tourism season. Favorable epidemiological conditions in Croatia brought on a large number of tourists who’ve felt safe and carefree. The number of infected has increased mid-season, which in turn brought on a sharp increase in tourists leaving the country. Certain states issued regulations with regard to self-isolating for people returning from Croatia, which was an additional blow to what had already been a slow tourism season. Love Carpe Diem has also found itself in a difficult situation, what with the lack of partnering hotel managers, or the lack of on-site staff, this tourism season has been extremely challenging and unpredictable. The aim of this paper is to show the ways in which this company communicates with and motivates its employees in challenging situations such as this. A combined methodology is employed in order to showcase the everyday realities of a tourism company. A case study with in-depth interviews reveals the company’s organizational structure, as well as the division into separate departments and their allocated tasks.
ljudski potencijali
komunikacijske vještine
Love Carpe Diem
pandemija Covid-19
Keywords (english)
human Resources
communication skills
Love Carpe Diem
pandemia Covid-19
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:180:907009
Study programme Title: Marketing and communication management Study programme type: professional Study level: specialist graduate Academic / professional title: stručni specijalist/specijalistica marketinga i komunikacija (stručni specijalist/specijalistica marketinga i komunikacija)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
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Created on 2023-04-12 12:25:51