Abstract | Širenjem gradova, suvremenim društvom pa tako i potrebom za ubrzanim načinom življenja te sve većom potrebom za migracijom stanovništva upotrebom prijevoznih sredstva često se zanemaruju posljedice štetnih utjecaja korištenja osobnih vozila. Naročito kada se radi o jednoj naizgled nevidljivoj kategoriji problema poput onečišćenja bukom, te samih eksternih troškova uzrokovanih prometnim onečišćenjem od buke. Kako bi kvaliteta života pa i razvitak u gradovima općenito bio na zadovoljavajućoj razini za održiv, dugoročan i zdrav život potrebno je osvijestiti i istaknuti sve aspekte koji direktno utječu na kvalitetu života u urbanim sredinama. Ovaj rad bavi se problematikom cestovne i željezničke prometne buke u urbanim sredinama u odnosu na čovjekov život sagledavajući jedan širi aspekt posljedica. Jednako tako, rad predstavlja moguća rješenja u cilju smanjenja buke uzrokovane prometom koja omogućuju zdravi napredak i širenje urbanih sredina kroz funkcionalan i optimiziran sustav što i jest osnovna zadaća logističkih sustava. Prolazeći kroz osnovne pojmove vezane za buku cestovnih i željezničkih vozila, buku i promet općenito, definicije, analize, zakonske regulative, čovjekovo tijelo i zdravstvene posljedice. U radu se prezentira naizgled nevidljiva problematika i konkretne fiskalne posljedice uzrokovane prometnom bukom i to na području cjeloživotnog obitavanja suvremenog čovjeka tj. gradskim sredinama. Naglasak u radu stavlja se na podatke o niskim tolerancijama čovjekova tijela na buku, što je izrazito bitno za osvijestiti uzmemo li u obzir spoznaju da 75% europskog stanovništva živi upravo u gradovima. S obzirom na to da je prometna buka neizbježni element gradske vreve koju gotovo ne možemo sanirati ali ju možemo izolirati i optimizirati. Ovaj rad ističe probleme i načine zaštite od prometne buke s naglaskom važnosti brige za čovjekovo zdravlje kroz prijedloge inteligentnih rješenja kakva bi se danas s obzirom na širenje gradova i stil života općenito trebali nametati kao nužni za održiv i suvremeni život. |
Abstract (english) | With the expansion of cities, modern society and thus the need for an accelerated way of life and the increasing need for migration of the population using means of transport, the consequences of the harmful effects of the use of personal vehicles are often ignored. Especially when it comes to an apparently invisible category of problems such as noise pollution, and the very external costs caused by traffic noise pollution. In order for the quality of life and development in cities in general to be at a satisfactory level for a sustainable, long-term and healthy life, it is necessary to raise awareness and highlight all aspects that directly affect the quality of life in urban areas. This paper deals with the problem of road and railway traffic noise in urban areas in relation to human life, looking at a wider aspect of the consequences. Equally, the work presents possible solutions aimed at reducing noise caused by traffic that enable healthy progress and expansion of urban environments through a functional and optimized system, which is the basic task of logistics systems. Going through the basic terms related to the noise of road and railway vehicles, noise and traffic in general, definitions, analyses, legal regulations, the human body and health consequences. The paper presents a seemingly invisible issue and concrete fiscal consequences caused by traffic noise in the area of lifelong habitation of modern man, i.e. urban areas. Emphasis in the paper is placed on data on the low tolerance of the human body to noise, which is extremely important to raise awareness if we take into account the fact that 75% of the European population lives precisely in cities. Given that traffic noise is an inevitable element of city bustle that we can hardly fix, but we can isolate and optimize it. This paper highlights the problems and ways of protecting against traffic noise with an emphasis on the importance of caring for human health through proposals for intelligent solutions that should be imposed today, considering the expansion of cities and the lifestyle in general, as necessary for a sustainable and modern life. |