Title (english) Marketing in Croatian startups
Author Mihaela Špeljko
Mentor Goran Luburić (mentor)
Committee member Željka Zavišić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Sanja Rocco (član povjerenstva)
Granter Zagreb School of Business Zagreb
Defense date and country 2016-12-07, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Economics Economics of Entrepreneurship
Abstract Pojam Start-up poduzeća u Republici Hrvatskoj relativno je nov i iznimno zanimljiv pojam. Nebitno je odnosi li se na tek otvoreno ili već postojeće poduzeće koje na tržištu konkurira nečim sasvim novim - sasvim je sigurno da se tržište razvija strelovitom brzinom. U svijetu je taj pojam već duže na snazi pa ne iznenađuje činjenica da se pod ovim pojmom pojavljuju poduzeća koja su tvorci milijardu vrijednih projekata kao što su Instagram ili WhatsApp. No, ta poduzeća danas ne bi toliko
... More profitirala da nisu prepoznala globalnu želju i potrebu potrošača, tj. svoje ciljne skupine. Dostupnost, jednostavnost i funkcionalnost njihov je krajnji cilj.
Kao što je i svako, tako je i Start-up poduzeće ovisno o kvalitetnom marketingu i njegovoj koncepciji. Poduzećima je, u današnje vrijeme, jako teško naći pravo mjesto s prihvatljivom cijenom, ali i uspješnom promocijom za predstavljanje svojih proizvoda i usluga. U masi TV programa, časopisa te internet stranica koje djeluju u svrhu oglašavanja, sukobljavaju se stotine konkurenata. Visoke cijene koje se vežu za oglase nikako ne odgovaraju poduzećima, posebno malim obrtima koji nemaju dovoljno financijskih sredstava za takav način oglašavanja.
Orijentiranje na određenu skupinu, tj. segment potrošača i zadovoljenje njihovih želja iziskuje iznimno puno truda, rada i odricanja, no zauzvrat se dobiva ostvarenje planiranih ciljeva i zadovoljan potrošač. Predmet marketinga može biti sve, od opipljivih (materijalnih) stvari do usluga, ideja, iskustava, događaja i sl., no vrlo je važno da poduzeće uvijek ima ono za što je potencijalni potrošač zainteresiran.
Razvojem tehnologije za zadovoljenje želja ciljanih skupina razvija se i primjena marketinga. Unatoč još uvijek velikoj zastupljenosti „klasičnog“ marketinga, zadnjih godina internet marketing, pogotovo oglašavanje, pozicionira se među vodeće prema uspjehu. Less
Abstract (english) The concept of a Start-up business in the Republic of Croatia is relatively new and extremely interesting idea. It is irrelevant if it refers to a new company or a company that that competes with something entirely new- it is certain that the market is developing very quickly. In the rest of the world that concept is already known so the fact that companies that have made a million worth projects are known by it doesn't surprise us. Some of the companies are Instagram and Whatsapp.
... More But that companies wouldn't have profited so much if they hadn't recognized the global desires and needs from customers, e.g. its target markets. Accessibility, simplicity, and functionality is their ultimate goal.
Just like any, the Start-up company depends of quality marketing and its conception. Our days it is very hard for the companies to find a right place with an acceptable price but with a successful promotion for presenting their products and services. In many TV shows, magazines and internet pages that work in the purpose of advertising, hundreds of competitors clash. High prices that are attached to advertising do not fit the companies, especially the smaller ones that don't have enough financial resources for that kind of advertising.
Orientation on a certain group i.e. segment of consumers and pleasing their wishes requires a lot of effort, work and dedication, but in return there is accomplishment of planned goals and a satisfied consumer. The object of marketing can be anything, from touchable (material) things to services, ideas, experiences, events etc., but it is very important that the company always has something that the potential consumer is interested in.
With the development of the technology for satisfying the targets market wishes develops an implementation of marketing. Despite the still great representation of „classic“ marketing, for the last few years internet marketing, especially advertising, is positioned amongst the ones leading to success. Less
Keywords (english)
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:180:341678
Study programme Title: Marketing management Study programme type: professional Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: stručni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) ekonomije (stručni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) ekonomije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
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Created on 2016-12-07 18:36:52