Author Mario Brzica
Mentor Ivan Brković (mentor)
Committee member Kristina Vidović (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Irena Mašće (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Granter University College ARCA Split
Defense date and country 2021-09-28, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline TECHNICAL SCIENCES Traffic and Transport Technology Maritime and River Traffic
Abstract Svaka zemlja je u većoj ili manjoj mjeri ovisna o razmjeni roba s inozemstvom. Iznimno brz razvoj znanosti, tehnologije, komunikacijskih sustava i svjetske trgovine, dovodi do smanjenja različitosti među pojedinim tržištima i potrošačima koji na tim tržištima iskazuju svoje potrebe i želje. Različita tržišta različitih zemalja postaju sve sličnija pa dolazi do orijentacije poslovanja prema inozemnim tržištima. Međunarodna logistika podrazumijeva prijenos robe od mjesta proizvodnje do mjesta prodaje uz prelazak međunarodnih granica. Prijenos robe omogućen je cestovnim, željezničkim, cjevovodnim, pomorskim, riječnim ili zračnim putem. Kod međunarodnog transporta dolazi do kombinacije tih putova odnosno multimodalnog transporta. Domaća tržišta su zasićena te mnogi poslovni subjekti šire svoje poslovanje izvan granica. Poslovni subjekti moraju imati na raspolaganju sve vrste strategija logističkog sustava da bi njihovo poslovanje bilo uspješno. Također trebaju obratiti pozornost na rizike izlaska na međunarodno tržište. U ovom završnom radu prikazan je teorijski dio međunarodnog logističkog sustava, njegovo okruženje te vrste transporta kojim se koristi. Također je navedena i popratna dokumentacija cijelog procesa te pet vrsta strategija. Dan je naglasak i na logističke i distribucijske sustave te je naveden primjer u lancu ospkrbe „Interspar“ Hrvatska.
Abstract (english) Every country is more or less dependent on foreign trade. The extremely rapid development of science, technology, communication systems and world trade, leads to a reduction in diversity among individual markets and consumers who express their needs and desires in these markets. Different markets of different countries are becoming more and more similar, so there is an orientation of business towards foreign markets. International logistics involves the transfer of goods from the place of production to the point of sale with the crossing of international borders. The transfer of goods is enabled by road, rail, pipeline, sea, river or air. In international transport, there is a combination of these routes or multimodal transport. Domestic markets are saturated and many businesses are expanding their business beyond borders. Businesses must have all kinds of logistics system strategies at their disposal in order for their business to be successful. They should also pay attention to the risks of entering the international market. This final paper presents the theoretical part of the international logistics system, its environment and the type of transport it uses. The accompanying documentation of the whole process and five types of strategies are also listed. Emphasis is also placed on logistics and distribution systems and an example is given in the supply chain "Interspar" Croatia.
međunarodna logistika
multimodalni transport
strategije međunarodnog logističkog sustava
Keywords (english)
international logistics
multimodal transport
strategies of the international logistics system
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:247:301039
Study programme Title: College of Inspection and Personnel Management - Proffesional study Study programme type: professional Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: Stručni prvostupnik inženjer inspekcijskog i kadrovskog menadžmenta u pomorstvu (Stručni prvostupnik inženjer inspekcijskog i kadrovskog menadžmenta u pomorstvu)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2021-11-15 12:35:47