Author Jovana Vujić
Mentor Dejan Tubić (mentor)
Granter Virovitica University of Applied Sciences Virovitica
Defense date and country 2016-12-06, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Economics Trade and Tourism
Abstract Ruralno područje može se definirati kao sredina s malom koncentracijom stanovnika, kojemu je osnovno zanimanje poljoprivreda, a koje karakteriziraju posebni običaji i seoski identitet. Također, neka od bitnih obilježja ruralnog područja su odsutnost od buke, očuvani okoliš i netaknuta priroda. Područje s navedenim različitostima je pogodno za razvoj turizma, odnosno može pružiti turistima vrlo privlačna odredišta. Ruralni prostor smatra se osnovnim resursem za razvoj ruralnog turizma, koji se temelji na potrebi gradskog stanovnišva za mirom i prirodnom okruženju. Važno je razlikovati pojmove seoski turizam i agroturizam od pojma ruralni turizam. Ruralni turizam definira se kao turizam koji obuhvaća sve aktivnosti na ruralnom podrčju, a ne samo one koje se mogu odrediti kao agroturizam. Seoski turizam temelji se na bogatim prirodnim resursima, na ruralnom naslijeđu i ruralnom načinu života. Agroturizam nije samo važan za razvoj turizma, već je jednako važan za razvoj poljoprivrede. Razvoj ruralnog turizma raste, kako u svijetu, tako i u Hrvatskoj, no prema analizi dosadašnjih podataka registrirana TSOG vrlo su neravnomjerno raspoređena, posebice na području kontinentalne Hrvatske. Definitivno treba naglasiti kako kontinentalna Hrvatska obiluje brojnim i raznolikim prirodnim i društvenim potencijalima, koji se nedovoljno turistički valoriziraju, no eksperti u turizmu optimističnije su ocijenili mogućnost razvoja turizma u kontinentalnoj Hrvatskoj u odnosu na njegov dosadašnji razvojni doseg. Svrha izrade završnog rada je utvrditi specifičnosti poslovanja agroturističkih gospodarstva na području Bjelovarskobilogorske županije, zbog čega je provedeno empirijsko istraživanje. Na temelju teorijskih i empirijskih spoznaja donesen je relevantni zaključak.
Abstract (english) The rural area can be defined as an environment with a low concentration of population, whose main occupation is agriculture, which is characterized by the special customs and rural identity. Also, some of the essential characteristics of the rural areas are the absence of noise, preserved environment and untouched nature. The area with these differences is suitable for tourism development and can provide tourists a very attractive destination. Rural areas are considered to be the basic resource for the development of rural tourism, which is based on the need of the city population for peace and natural environment. It is important to distinguish the concepts of rural tourism and the agro-tourism concept of rural tourism. Rural tourism is defined as tourism that encompasses all the activities in a rural area, not just those that can be defined as agrotourism. Rural tourism based on the rich natural resources, the rural heritage and rural lifestyle. Agrotourism is not only important for the development of tourism, but it is equally important for the development of agriculture. The development of rural tourism is growing, both in the world and in Croatia, but according to an analysis of previously registered data TSOG are very unevenly distributed, especially in the area of continental Croatia. Definitely, it should be noted that continental Croatia has numerous and diverse natural and social resources, which are not enough for tourist valorization, but experts in the tourism industry optimistically assessed the possibility of the development of tourism in continental Croatia compared to its previous development range. The purpose of the dissertation is to determine the specifics of agrotourism farms in the Bjelovar - Bilogora country, which was conducted in the form of an empirical research. Based on theoretical and empirical knowledge, the paper gives a relevant conclusion.
ruralno područje
ruralni turizam
turizam na ruralnom području
kontinentalna Hrvatska
Keywords (english)
rural area
rural tourism
tourism in rural area
Continental Croatia
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:165:610943
Study programme Title: Management; specializations in: Management in Computer Sciences, Management in Rural Tourism Course: Management in Rural Tourism Study programme type: professional Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: stručni/a prvostupnik/ prvostupnica (baccalaureus/ baccalaurea) ekonomije (stručni/a prvostupnik/ prvostupnica (baccalaureus/ baccalaurea) ekonomije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
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Created on 2017-01-11 14:11:30