Title (english) MOBBING
Author Vanja Ljiljanić
Mentor Anita Prelas Kovačević (mentor)
Granter Virovitica University of Applied Sciences Virovitica
Defense date and country 2015-05-26, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Psychology Psychology of Work
Abstract Cilj rada je prikazati mobing kao široko rasprostranjenu, kompleksnu pojavu koja utječe na sva životna područja pojedinca koji je žrtva mobinga. Svrha ovog rada je definirati mobing, njegove vrste, faze i posljedice. Rad je fokusiran na domaću i stranu literaturu koja se bavi cjelovitim prikazom mobinga i objašnjava termin mobinga kojim su obuhvaćene sve vrste uznemiravanja na radnom mjestu. U radu su konstatirane karakteristike žrtve i karakteristike zlostavljača u procesu mobinga, te osobine radnih organizacija u kojima se javlja mobing. Najčešće žrtve su tihi, mirni i povučeni radnici nižih razina obrazovanja. Oni šute, trpe i često su zastrašene, te pate od osjećaja manje vrijednosti kojima se može lako manipulirati. Najčešći zlostavljači su osobe specifičnih osobina ličnosti, smanjenog kapaciteta za ljubav, radost, igru, davanje i dijeljenje. Bitno je spomenuti i prevenciju mobinga u kojoj je riječ o primarnoj, sekundarnoj i tercijarnoj prevenciji. Također, rad objedinjuje različite zakonske odredbe kao što su Ustav Republike Hrvatske, Zakon o radu, Zakon o ravnopravnosti spolova i Kazneni zakon kojima se pokušaju urediti prava žrtve i obveze zlostavljača. Epidemiološki podaci o stanju u svijetu pružaju mogućnost usporedbe sa stanjem u Hrvatskoj, a primjeri mobinga u zadnjih nekoliko godina pokazuju kako je on itekako prisutan u našoj svakodnevici i kako se s tim problemom bori velik broj ljudi. Rad je podacima i spoznajom o rasprostranjenosti mobinga i njegovom velikom utjecaju na poslovni i privatni život žrtve doprinio boljem razumjevanju problematike mobinga.
Abstract (english) The goal of this paper is to present mobbing as a widespread, complex phenomenon that affects all areas of life of the individual, mobbing victim. The purpose is to define mobbing, it's types, phases, and consequences. This paper focuses on the national and international literature that deals with a comprehensive overview of mobbing and explains the term mobbing as all types of harassment in the workplace. The paper presents characteristics of victims and their abuser in the process of mobbing, and characteristics of companies in which mobbing occurs. The most common victims are quiet and withdrawn workers with lower levels of education. They are quiet, suffering and are often intimidated and suffer from feelings of inferiority which can be easily manipulated. The most common abusers are persons of specific personality traits, reduced capacity for love, joy, play, giving and sharing. It is important to mention the prevention of mobbing which consists of primary, secondary and tertiary prevention. Also, the work combines a variety of legal provisions such as the Croatian Constitution, the Labour Act, the Gender Equality Act and the Penal Code that attempt to regulate the rights and obligations of victims of abusers. Epidemiological data on the state of the world offers the possibility of comparison with the situation in Croatia. Examples of mobbing in the last few years indicate that mobbing is very much present in our daily lives and how a lot of people are struggling with this problem. The work has contributed to a better understanding of the problems of mobbing with data and knowledge about the prevalence of mobbing and it's influence on business and private life of the victim.
radno mjesto
Keywords (english)
work place
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:165:445735
Study programme Title: Management; specializations in: Management in Computer Sciences, Management in Rural Tourism Course: Management in Computer Sciences Study programme type: professional Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: stručni/a prvostupnik/ prvostupnica (baccalaureus/ baccalaurea) ekonomije (stručni/a prvostupnik/ prvostupnica (baccalaureus/ baccalaurea) ekonomije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Reformatted digital
Access conditions Access restricted to students and staff of home institution
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Created on 2016-02-05 12:03:51