Author Lučano Blašković
Mentor Davor Kalem (mentor)
Committee member Jovan Vučinić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Nikola Trbojević (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Davor Kalem (član povjerenstva)
Granter Karlovac University of Applied Sciences (The Department of Safety and Protection) Karlovac
Defense date and country 2019-10-29, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline TECHNICAL SCIENCES Basic Technical Sciences
Abstract Sigurnost ljudi i imovine jedan je od preduvjeta ugodnog života, a okupljanje velikog broja ljudi na istom mjestu može narušiti tu sigurnost. Neka od mjesta na kojima se okuplja veliki broj ljudi su i športski objekti, a posebno popularni i s motrišta sigurnosti važni, nogometni stadioni. Svrha nogometa je da bude izvor zabave i relaksacije, ali ponekad zna biti izvor nezadovoljstva i frustracije koje treba zadržati pod kontrolom i obuzdati jer u takvim situacijama najviše stradaju nedužne osobe koje nemaju veze s događajem koji je uzrok nedoličnog ponašanja. Organizator natjecanja zakonski je obvezan osigurati sigurnost svih osoba koje sudjeluju na natjecanju, a najlakši način da se to postigne je preventivno djelovanje koje mu je omogućeno zakonom. Preventivnim djelovanjem eliminiraju se mogući uzročnici narušavanja sigurnosti u športskim objektima, a u moguće uzročnike uvrštavaju se alkohol, droge, pirotehnička sredstva i transparenti. Pojedini incidenti se ne mogu predvidjeti i potrebno je osigurati dovoljan broj adekvatno opremljenih i obučenih osoba koje mogu pravovremeno intervenirati i staviti situaciju pod kontrolu. Takve situacije su izazovne, vrlo opasne, a za neke i pogubne. Kako bi bili spremni ispravno postupiti na svaki incident, svi koji su uključeni u pružanje zaštite na športskim natjecanjima moraju proći adekvatnu obuku, svakodnevno se educirati i fizički pripremati jer u trenutku obnašanja dužnosti pružanja zaštite u športskim objektima njihovo psihofizičko stanje mora biti na vrhuncu. Jedna od najbitnijih stavki koju većina pružatelja zaštite na športskim natjecanjima izostavlja je simulacija nereda na stadionima. Simulacija se provodi sa biranom skupinom ljudi, odnosno volonterima koji u vrijeme kada se ne odvija športsko natjecanje, na praznom stadionu dočaravaju situacije kao što su uporaba pirotehničkih sredstava ili masovne tučnjave. Provođenje takve vježbe nije od koristi samo zaštitarima i ministarstvu unutarnjih poslova, već i vatrogascima i hitnoj pomoći kojima je izuzetno stresno naći se u situacijama s ekipama s kojima nisu uigrani i ne znaju njihov princip rada, a najbitnije od svega je što se sve događa u kontroliranim uvjetima i nije narušena sigurnost ljudi i imovine.
Abstract (english) Safety of people and property is one of the preconditions for a comfortable life, and gathering a large number of people in the same place can impair that safety. Some of the places where a large number of people gather are also sports facilities, especially football stadiums, which are also especially popular from the point of view of safety. The purpose of football is to be a source of fun and relaxation, but sometimes it can be a source of discontent and frustration that must be kept under control and restrained, because in such situations, innocent people who have nothing to do with the event causing the misconduct are most affected. The organizer of the sports event is legally obliged to ensure the safety of all persons participating in the event, and the easiest way to achieve this is through preventive action provided for by law. Preventive action eliminates the possible causes of security breaches in sports facilities, and the possible causes include alcohol, drugs, pyrotechnics and banners. Certain incidents cannot be foreseen and a sufficient number of adequately equipped and trained persons are required to be able to intervene in a timely manner and to control the situation. Such situations are challenging, very dangerous and, in some cases, disastrous. In order to be prepared to handle every incident properly, everyone involved in the protection of sports events must receive adequate training, daily education and physical preparation, as their psychophysical state must be at the peak of their duty to provide protection in sports facilities. One of the most important things that most providers of protection in sports events miss out are simulations of stadium riots. The simulation is conducted with a select group of people, i.e. volunteers who enact situations, such as the use of pyrotechnics or mass fights at an empty stadium when the sports event is not taking place. Conducting such an exercise is not only beneficial to security guards and the Ministry of the Interior, but also to firefighters and ambulance services who find it extremely stressful to find themselves in the situations with teams that are not well-versed and do not know their working principle. Most importantly, everything happens in controlled conditions and the security of people and property is not compromised.
športski objekti
privatna zaštita
Keywords (english)
sports facilities
private security
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:128:106378
Study programme Title: Safety and Protection Study programme type: professional Study level: specialist graduate Academic / professional title: stručni/a specijalist/specijalistica inženjer/inženjerka sigurnosti i zaštite (stručni/a specijalist/specijalistica inženjer/inženjerka sigurnosti i zaštite)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2019-12-20 09:34:59