Author Martin De Bona
Mentor Denis Kotarski (mentor)
Committee member Vedran Vyroubal (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Adam Stančić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Denis Kotarski (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Natalija Kusanić Belinić (član povjerenstva)
Granter Karlovac University of Applied Sciences (The Department of Mechanical Engineering) (Specialist Graduate Study of Mechanical Engineering - Part-time study) Karlovac
Defense date and country 2021-07-13, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline TECHNICAL SCIENCES Mechanical Engineering Production Mechanical Engineering
Abstract U ovome diplomskome radu je detaljno opisan proces izrade, navedene su komponente i prikazan je način konstruiranja, te je provedeno testiranje prototipa daljinski upravljane kosilice. Rad se bavi problematikom pozicioniranja komponenata na glavnome kućištu kosilice, te pravilnim odabirom međusobno sukladnih za rad prema specifikaciji, određenoj jačini, gabaritima, težini i snazi. Svi dijelovi međusobno čine jedinstveni sklop, odnosno gotov proizvod spreman za košnju trave. U programskom alatu CATIA je odrađena većina ovoga zadatka na osnovi kolegija 3D konstruiranje računalom 1. Kupljene komponente kosilice su mjernim instrumentima mjerene, te su bez dodatnih nacrta, modelirane u omjeru 1:1 unutar PART MECHANICAL DESIGN-a. Prototip je prikazan sa svima dijelovima, od benzinskog motora, pogonskih dijelova kosilice pa sve do 3D modela daljinskoga upravljača. Unutar MECHANICAL ASSEMBLY DESIGN-a je sve pozicionirano u jedinstveni sklop, a nakon pozicioniranja su modelirani šasija, te nosivi dijelovi i prihvati komponenata poput ležaja, osovina i reduktora. Tijekom izrade mehaničkih dijelova kosilice korišteni su slijedeći postupci obrade metala; lasersko i plazma rezanje, tokarenje, bušenje, glodanje i brušenje. Spajanje čeličnih dijelova je odrađeno MIG postupkom zavarivanja. Zaštitni premaz u boji je nanesen radi zaštite od korozije na metalnim površinama. Šasija je predviđena za vruće cinčanje i plastificiranje radi dugotrajne zaštite i estetike. Nakon izrade prototipa, u svrhu konačne implementacije, je odrađeno testiranje pojedinih podsustava putem daljinskog upravljača; pogon kosilice, reguliranje gasa benzinskog motora, uklapanje reduktora odnosno noža kosilice, te sklopke za gašenje benzinskog motorna.
Abstract (english) This graduate thesis describes in detail the process of making a prototype remote-controlled lawn mower. The individual components are listed, the construction method is shown and the testing of the prototype has been conducted. The thesis also deals with the issue of positioning the components on the lawn mower’s body and a proper selection of components that are mutually compatible according to specifications, strength, dimensions, weight and power. All the parts together form a unique assembly, i.e. a finished product ready to cut grass. Most of this project has been done using CATIA software tool based on the course 3D computer designing 1. Purchased mower components were measured with measuring instruments and without additional designs have been modeled in a 1:1 ratio within PART MECHANICAL DESIGN software. The prototype is shown with all parts; from a petrol engine and mower’s drive parts, to the 3D model of the remote controller. Using the MECHANICAL ASSEMBLY DESIGN software tool, everything has been positioned into a unique assembly and modeled; the chassis, the load-bearing parts and the holders of components such as bearings, axles and gear reducer. The following metalworking procedures were used during the manufacture of the mechanical parts of the mower: laser and plasma cutting, turning work, drilling, milling, and grinding. Joining the steel parts together has been done by MIG welding process. A protective paint coating has been applied on metal surfaces to protect against corrosion. The chassis has been prepared for hot dip galvanizing and plasticizing for long-lasting protection and aesthetics. After the development of the prototype, for the purpose of final implementation, testing of individual subsystems has been performed using the remote controller; mower’s drive, petrol engine gas regulation, fitting of the gear reducer unit to the blade and petrol engine shut-off switch.
Daljinsko upravljanje
projektiranje sustava
prototip kosilice
eksperimentalno testiranje
Keywords (english)
Remote control
system design
lawn mower prototype
experimental testing
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:128:120069
Study programme Title: Mechanical Engineering Study programme type: professional Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: stručni/a prvostupnik/ prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) inženjer/inženjerka strojarstva (stručni/a prvostupnik/ prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) inženjer/inženjerka strojarstva)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2021-07-21 07:22:22