Author Marin Grčić
Mentor Ljerka Luić (mentor)
Committee member Tihana Kostadin (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Marina Tevčić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Ljerka Luić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Natalija Kusanić Belinić (član povjerenstva)
Granter Karlovac University of Applied Sciences (The Department of Mechanical Engineering) Karlovac
Defense date and country 2021-09-17, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline TECHNICAL SCIENCES Mechanical Engineering
Abstract U svijetu globalno povezanom i obilježenom iznimnim tehnološkim rastom i napretkom, a trenutačno i posljedicama pandemije uzrokovane novim koronavirusom, mnoga su poduzeća morala naglo promijeniti neke elemente poslovanja te poslovne strategije i odlučnije zakoračiti u digitalni svijet. Razvoj digitalnih tehnologija posljednjih je nekoliko desetljeća obilježio sve sfere društvenog, kulturnog i gospodarskog života. U mnogome je uvjetovao i promjene koje je bilo i jest potrebno uvesti, u manjoj ili većoj mjeri, u sve sfere poslovanja i proizvodnje. Općom promjenom korporativne kulture i uvođenjem informacijskih tehnologija u sveukupno djelovanje poduzeća, provodi se digitalna transformacija istih. U ovom će se radu, temeljenom na istraživanju putem upitnika, pokušati odgovoriti na pitanje koliko su hrvatska proizvodna poduzeća u tehničkom sektoru spremna na nju te kakvi su njihovi stavovi u vezi njezine provedbe i elemenata od kojih se sastoji. U istraživanjima provedenima na globalnoj razini, Hrvatska se smjestila u donji dio ljestvice po pitanju spremnosti na poslovno djelovanje u digitalnom dobu, a ona provedena u zemlji pokazuju još uvijek nedovoljno poznavanje prednostima koje može donijeti digitalna osviještenost, a zatim i provedba strategija usmjerenih k digitalnoj transformaciji. Početna hipoteza ovog rada temeljila se upravo na ovim podacima, odnosno pretpostavka je bila da će i većina ispitanih proizvodnih poduzeća biti nespremna ili samo djelomično spremna na provođenje digitalne transformacije. Ista, ipak, nije u potpunosti potvrđena jer je istraživanje pokazalo da su poduzeća koja su ispunila upitnik u većoj mjeri osviještena o potrebi i prednostima provođenja digitalne transformacije, iako je mnoga još nisu provela, ali su u fazi provedbe ili planiranja potrebnih strategija za njezino provođenje.
Abstract (english) In a world globally connected and characterized by remarkable technological growth and progress, and currently also by the consequences of a new coronavirus pandemic, many companies had to abruptly change some elements of their business strategy and step more decisively into the digital world. The development of digital technologies in the last few decades has marked all spheres of social, cultural, and economic life. In many ways, it conditioned the changes that were and are necessary to introduce, to a greater or lesser extent, in all spheres of business and production. With the general change of corporate culture and the introduction of information technologies in the overall companies’ business practices, the digital transformation of the same is carried out. This paper, based on a questionnaire survey, will try to answer the question of how much Croatian manufacturing companies in the technical sector are ready for it and what are their views on its implementation and the elements of which it consists. In research conducted at the global level, Croatia is at the bottom of the scale in terms of readiness to do business in the digital age, and those conducted in the country show a low level of consciousness of the benefits of digital awareness, and then of the implementation of strategies aimed at digital transformation. The initial hypothesis of this thesis was based on these data, i.e., the assumption was that most of the surveyed manufacturing companies will be unprepared or only partially ready to implement the digital transformation. However, it was not fully confirmed because the survey showed that companies that completed the questionnaire are more aware of the need and benefits of digital transformation, although many have not yet implemented it, but are in the process of implementation or planning the necessary strategies for its implementation.
digitalna transformacija
proizvodno poduzeće
poslovno-informacijski sustavi
Keywords (english)
digital transformation
manufacturing company
business-information systems
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:128:537009
Study programme Title: Mechanical Engineering Study programme type: professional Study level: specialist graduate Academic / professional title: stručni/a specijalist/specijalistica inženjer/inženjerka strojarstva (stručni/a specijalist/specijalistica inženjer/inženjerka strojarstva)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2021-11-22 10:06:41