Author Ana-Marija Pongračić
Mentor Andreja Primužak (mentor)
Committee member Draženka Birkić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Mateja Petračić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Andreja Primužak (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Natalija Kusanić Belinić (član povjerenstva)
Granter Karlovac University of Applied Sciences (Business Department) Karlovac
Defense date and country 2021-07-05, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Economics
Abstract Dabismo nešto postigli, moramo učiniti četiri koraka: svrhovito planirati, pomno pripremati, pozitivno misliti i uporno izvršavati“ rekao je engleski novelist i satiričar S.Butler. U tom kontekstu može se definirati i opisati da je poduzetnički projekt poduzetnički pothvat u kojemu nalazim važne odgovore na sva pitanja u vezi s planiranjem, pokretanjem, financiranjem, vođenjem, razvijanjem, organiziranjem i kontrolom poduzetničkog pothvata tijekom cijelog njegovog životnog ciklusa. U ovom završnom radu koji je podijeljen na dva dijela, teorijski i praktični, opisan je poduzetnički projekt prema ideji Ana-Marije Pongračić na primjeru farmi leptira. Farma leptira „Painted lady“ bavi se održivim uzgojem leptira. Dok sam odlučivala koju ću temu uzeti za pisanje završnog rada, shvatila sam da bi bilo dobro uzeti temu iz područje gospodarstva kojim se bavi manji broj ljudi i koje je još u svom začetku, budući da postoji samo jedna konkurentska tvrtka koja se bavi istim poslom, odnosno uzgojem leptira. Područje grada Kutine i njegove okolice pogodno je za uzgajanje leptira jer se na njemu nalaze mnogobrojne nezagađene livade i pašnjaci, što su jedni od primarnih staništa leptira, a usporedno s time ovo područje ima povoljnu kontinentalnu klimu koja pogoduje leptirima. Tvrtka će se primarno baviti uzgojem leptira vrste stričkovac (vanessa cardui), a ciljani događaji za koje će tvrtka dostavljati su vjenčanja te razna obiteljska okupljanja. Naravno, kao i svaka tvrtka i vlasnik sa vizijom u budućnosti htjeti proširiti i na inozemna tržišta.Cilj je kroz petogodišnje plansko razdoblje preciznije opisati razvoj poslovanja i izračunati financijsku stabilnost tvrtke kroz realizaciju na tržištu, a u svrhu potpune opravdanosti za buduće povećanje kapaciteta, proširivanje asortimana i tržišta.
Abstract (english) "To achieve something, we must take four steps: plan purposefully, prepare carefully, think positively and execute persistently," said English novelist and satirist S. Butler. In this context, it can be defined and described that an entrepreneurial project is an entrepreneurial venture in which I find important answers to all questions related to planning, starting, financing, leading, developing, organizing and controlling an entrepreneurial venture throughout its life cycle. In this final paper, which is divided into two parts, theoretical and practical, an entrepreneurial project based on the idea of Ana-Marija Pongračić is described on the example of butterfly farms. Butterfly Farm "Flying Flowers" deals with sustainable butterfly breeding. As I was deciding which topic to take to write my dissertation, I realized that it would be good to take a topic from an area of economics that fewer people are still in its infancy, since there is only one competing company doing the same job, that is, by breeding butterflies. The area of the town of Kutina and its surroundings is suitable for butterfly breeding because it has many unpolluted meadows and pastures, which are one of the primary habitats of butterflies, and in parallel this area has a favorable continental climate that is conducive to butterflies. The company will primarily be engaged in the breeding of butterflies of the uncle (vanessa cardui) species, and the target events for which the company will deliver are weddings and various family gatherings. Of course, like any company and owner with a vision for the future want to expand to overseas markets. The goal is to describe the development of business more precisely through the five-year planning period and calculate the financial stability of the company through the realization on the market, and for the purpose of full justification for future increase of capacity, expansion of assortment and market.
poduzetnička ideja
poduzetnički projekt
farma leptira
Keywords (english)
business idea
business project
butterfly farm
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:128:728129
Study programme Title: Hospitality Studies Study programme type: professional Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: stručni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) ekonomije (stručni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) ekonomije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2021-12-17 13:03:14