Author Tomica Beljan
Mentor Zoran Vučinić (mentor)
Committee member Marijan Brozović (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Damir Kralj (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Zoran Vučinić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Barica Jurković (član povjerenstva)
Granter Karlovac University of Applied Sciences (The Department of Safety and Protection) Karlovac
Defense date and country 2022-07-15, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline TECHNICAL SCIENCES Basic Technical Sciences
Abstract U ovom diplomskom radu će biti glavna orijentacija na problem zaštite na radu u Općoj bolnici Karlovac za period od 2017. do 2021. godine. Ova tema je posebno zanimljiva upravo zbog toga što je ovo više uslužna grana djelatnosti nego proizvodna, pa je samim time i zabrinjavajuće visok broj ozljeda koje su se dogodile u tom periodu. Ova tema diplomskog rada je najviše potaknuta činjenicom koja proizlazi iz statističkih pokazatelja o broju ozljeda i drugim posljedicama zbog neodgovarajuće zaštite na radu za zaposlenike, tvrtke, poslodavce i društvo u cjelini na području Karlovačke županije. Analiza sustava zaštite na radu pokazuje da mjesta za efikasnijim sustavom zaštite ima dovoljno zbog čega ovaj rad treba doprinijeti pomaku k efikasnijem sustavu zaštite. Pri tome se mora uvažiti činjenica da zaštita na radu nije samo ekonomsko i socijalno pitanje, nego je to i pitanje humanosti prema ljudima i njihovom zdravlju, kao i položaju u poduzeću i društvu uopće. Istraživanjem ozljeda na radu doprinosi se povećanju fonda znanja o pojavama, uzrocima i načinima koji dovode do ozljeda i smrtnih stradanja. Isto tako značajno je sagledati sredstva i metode kojima se broj i vrste ozljeda mogu umanjiti odnosno spriječiti. Rješenje sprječavanja nezgoda, odnosno ozljeda na radu, predstavlja odnos čovjeka i radne okoline. Čovjek ne može sigurno raditi ako ne zna raditi sigurno, ako ne može raditi sigurno i ako ne želi raditi sigurno. Praćenje ozljeda na radu u svim granama djelatnosti regulirano je Pravilnikom o evidenciji, ispravama, izvještajima i knjizi nadzora iz područja zaštite na radu.
Abstract (english) n this diploma thesis will be the main focus on the problem of occupational safety at the General Hospital Karlovac for the period from 2017. to 2021. years. This topic is particularly interesting precisely because this is more of a service branch than a manufacturing one, and therefore the number of injuries that occurred during that period is worrying. This topic of the thesis is mostly driven by the fact that stems from statistical indicators on the number of injuries and other consequences due to inadequate safety at work for employees, companies, employers and society as a whole in Karlovac County. The analysis of the occupational safety system shows that there is enough space for a more efficient protection system, which is why this work should contribute to the shift towards a more efficient protection system. The fact that safety at work is not only an economic and social issue, but also a question of humanity towards people and their health, as well as the position in the company and society in general, must be taken into account. Research on injuries at work contributes to increasing the fund of knowledge about the phenomena, causes and ways that lead to injuries and deaths. It is also important to consider the means and methods by which the number and types of injuries can be reduced or prevented. The solution to the prevention of accidents, ie injuries at work, is the relationship between man and the work environment. A man cannot work safely if he does not know how to work safely, if he cannot work safely and if he does not want to work safely. Monitoring of injuries at work in all branches of activity is regulated by the Ordinance on records, documents, reports and the book of supervision in the field of occupational safety
Keywords (english)
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:128:526351
Study programme Title: Safety and Protection Study programme type: professional Study level: specialist graduate Academic / professional title: stručni/a specijalist/specijalistica inženjer/inženjerka sigurnosti i zaštite (stručni/a specijalist/specijalistica inženjer/inženjerka sigurnosti i zaštite)
Type of resource Text
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Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2022-09-01 11:32:44