Author Doris Stavljenić
Mentor Josip Hoster (mentor)
Committee member Filip Žugčić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Tomislav Božić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Josip Hoster (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Natalija Kusanić Belinić (član povjerenstva)
Granter Karlovac University of Applied Sciences (The Department of Mechanical Engineering) Karlovac
Defense date and country 2023-09-07, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline TECHNICAL SCIENCES Mechanical Engineering
Abstract U uvodnom dijelu diplomskog rada opisan je dizajn te svi glavni ciljevi i načela kojima
se treba voditi tijekom konstruiranja novog proizvoda. Istaknute su prednosti i nedostaci dizajna
te se osvrnulo na zaštitu intelektualnog vlasništva i zakone industrijskog dizajna. Prikazani su
osnovni stilovi dizajna i primarni elementi koji se mogu primijeniti u razvijanju elemenata
Detaljno su opisani osnovni materijali korišteni u dizajnu interijera i konstruiranju novih
proizvoda. Prikazana su osnovna svojstva i karakteristike materijala te je ukazana važnost
poznavanja kako njihovih prednosti tako i nedostataka koje posjeduju. Predočen je način na
koji njihovo poboljšanje utječe na unaprijeđenje i daljnji razvoj konstrukcija. Prikazan je utjecaj
modernih istraživanja na napredak u području materijala što u konačnici doprinosi razvoju
Specificirane su konvencionalne i nekonvencionalne tehnologije obrade kojima se
postiže temeljna izrada proizvoda primijenjenih u dizajnu interijera. Opisane su njihove
osnovne funkcije na kojima je tehnologija bazirana te način na koji djeluju na stvaranje željenih
elemenata. Naznačeno je u kojem slučaju se primjenjuju i s kojim materijalima ih je moguće
provesti. Definirane su glavne prednosti i mane u vidu karakteristika svojstava i ekonomičnosti
čime se olakšava odabir pojedine tehnologije izrade za specifiziran proizvod.
Predstavljene su osnovne tehnike kojima je izrađene elemente moguće rastavljivo i
nerastavljivo spojiti u konstrukcijske sklopove. Pojašnjene su ključne karakteristike pojedine
tehnologije spajanja elemenata te je navedena njihova primjena s obzirom na mogućnosti.
Navedeni su temeljni aspekti i načela primjene metode konačnih elemenata. Metoda je
pobliže opisana te su predočene ključne stavke na koje je imala utjecaj i doprinos koji je pružila
u pogledu bržeg razvoja proizvoda. Unaprijeđenjem i poboljšanjem teorijskih principa ove
metode primjenom kroz automatizaciju i uvođenjem softvera prikazan je njen konkretan
Opisano je značenje pojmova renderiranja i vizualizacija te način na koji su olakšali
prikaz konstruiranih modela u stvarnom okruženju. Pobliže je opisan proces i faze koje je
potrebno provesti kako bi se na kraju dobila slika konstruiranog proizvoda u dizajniranom
interijeru ili eksterijeru. Napravljena je usporedba svih programskih paketa upotrijebljenih u ovom radu koji su
korišteni za analizu konstruiranih elemenata. Opširno su opisane njihove funkcije i osnovne
značajke koje ih međusobno odvajaju. Precizirane su temeljne pozitivne strane svakog od njih
te su navedena poboljšanja usmjerena na daljnji razvoj i njihovo usavršavanje. Dodan je
zaključak dobiven usporedbom svih karakteristika te pozitivnih i negativnih strana navedenih
Odmakom od teorijskog dijela rada došao je na red praktični dio u kojem se provela
optimizacija elemenata interijera. Elementi na kojima se proveo proces optimizacije su polica,
stolac, fotelja, kupaonske baze, nosač i stol. Postupak analize započeo je idejnim rješenjem i
konstrukcijom pojedinog elementa te odabir materijala. Tijekom druge faze započela je statička
ili dinamička analiza te evaluacija proračunatih vrijednosnih podataka. U završnoj fazi projekta
kreiran je prikaz stvarnog okruženja konstruiranog modela. Ovim se prikazom vizualno
predočio dizajn elementa te kako ga uklopiti u dizajnirani interijer. Takav postupak proveden
je pomoću stvaranja 3D vizualizacija čime se omogućuje realan prikaz te olakšava predodžba
kreiranog dizajna u stvarnom prostoru. Za ostvarenje kompletne optimizacije elemenata
interijera korišteni su programi OnShape, Ansys, V-ray i SketchUp.
Na kraju rada donesen je presudan zaključak koji je usvojen na temelju svih teorijskih i
praktičnih znanja stečenih tijekom izrade rada i konstrukcijskog usmjerenja diplomskog studija.
Abstract (english) The introductory part of the paper describes all the main goals and the principles to be
obeyed at the time of constructing a new product. Advantages and disadvantages of the design
have been pointed out and a review of intellectual property and the laws of industrial design
has been done. Basic design styles and primary elements to be applied in developing interior
elements have been shown.
A detailed description of basic materials used in interior design and designing new
products has been provided. The basic features and the characteristics of materials have been
shown, and the importance of knowing their advantages as well as their disadvantages has been
pointed out. The way in which their improvement affects upgrading and further development
of structures has been demonstrated. The impact of modern research on progress in the area of
materials has been shown which ultimately leads to product development.
Conventional and unconventional technologies of production which help to achieve
basic construction of products applied in interior design have been specified. A description has
been given of their basic functions on which the technology is based, as well as the way in
which they affect the creation of the desired elements. It has been specified in which case they
are applied and with what materials it is possible to produce them. Basic advantages and flaws
in the sense of characteristic features and efficiency have been defined, which makes the choice
of a specific technology of production for a specific product easier.
Basic techniques have been presented by which it is possible to put together the
produced elements in construction systems in a resolvable and an unresolvable manner. Key
characteristics of a specific technology of joining elements have been explained and their
application in reference to options has been given.
The basic aspects and application principles of final elements have been given. The
method has been described in more detail, and key items affected by it, as well as the
contribution it made in reference to faster product development have been presented. By
improving and upgrading theoretical principles of this method by its application through
automation and by introducing software its specific impact has been shown.
The meaning of the terms rendering and visualisation has been described, as well as the
way in which they made the presentation of constructed models in a real environment easier.
The process and the steps that need to be taken to ultimately get a picture of a constructed
product in a designed interior or exterior have been described in more detail.
Doris Stavljenić Diplomski rad
A comparison has been made of all the software packages used in this paper to analyse
the constructed elements. A detailed description has been given of their function and the basic
features that set them apart from each other. The basic advantages of each of them have been
stated precisely and the stated improvements point towards further development and their
specialisation. A conclusion obtained by comparing all the features as well as the advantages
and the disadvantages of the stated programmes has been added.
Moving away from the theoretical part of the paper, the practical part offers an insight
into the conducted optimization of the interior elements. The elements included in the
optimization process include a shelf, a chair, an armchair, a bathroom vanity, a frame, and a
table. The analysis started by a preliminary design and the construction of a certain element,
together with the choice of material. In the second stage a static or a dynamic analysis started,
as well as the evaluation of the calculated value data. In the final stage of the project an overview
of the real environment of the constructed element was created. This procedure provided a
visual display of an element and the way to make it fit into a designed interior. This kind of
procedure was conducted by creating a 3D visualisation which provides a realistic display and
facilitates an image of the created design in real space. Programmes including OnShape, Ansys,
V-ray and SketchUp were used to carry out the entire optimization of interior design.
In the end of the paper a key conclusion way made which was adopted based on all the
theoretical and practical skills acquired in the process of creating the paper and the construction
orientation of the master’s course.
industrijski dizajn
Optimiranje elemenata
Metoda konačnih elemenata
Keywords (english)
Industrial design
Optimising elements
final elements method
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:128:698046
Study programme Title: Mechanical Engineering Study programme type: professional Study level: specialist graduate Academic / professional title: stručni/a specijalist/specijalistica inženjer/inženjerka strojarstva (stručni/a specijalist/specijalistica inženjer/inženjerka strojarstva)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2023-11-07 10:30:11