Author Fabijan Balentić
Mentor Vladimir Tudić (mentor)
Committee member Damir Kralj (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Filip Žugčić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Vladimir Tudić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Barica Jurković (član povjerenstva)
Granter Karlovac University of Applied Sciences (The Department of Safety and Protection) Karlovac
Defense date and country 2023-09-15, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline TECHNICAL SCIENCES Basic Technical Sciences
Abstract Cilj ovog rada je istražiti i obraditi alarmne sustave koji su prisutni u
termoelektranama, kao i njihovu povezanost sa što kvalitetnijom provedbom
cjelokupne sigurnosti i učinkovitosti rada postrojenja. Budući da termoelektrane
koriste složene radne procese i radnu opremu, postoji veliki rizik nastanka
operativnih i sigurnosnih nepravilnosti. Upravo iz tog razloga, provedba ovih sustava
se obavlja detaljnim pokrivanjem i nadzorom svih područja koja predstavljaju rizik po
sigurnost, tj. mogućnost nastanka nekog oblika nesreće ili incidenta. Pokrivanje
takvih područja obavlja se senzorima ili detektorima koji, pomoću signala, putuju od
mjesta otkrivanja nepravilnosti do alarmne centrale, koja obrađuje ulazne signale te,
ako se radi o potencijalnoj opasnosti, aktiviraju alarm, tj. dojavu vizualnom i zvučnom
signalizacijom rukovoditeljima i svom osoblju postrojenja. Alarmnih sustava u
termoelektrani ima mnoštvo, a prema svrsi ih možemo podijeliti na alarmne sustave:
opće sigurnosti, radne opreme, radnog procesa, protuprovale i zaštite okoliša
(ekološki alarmi). Kako bi reakcija rukovoditelja bila što brža i efikasnija na dojavu
alarmog sustava, provodi se osposobljavanje koje naglašava način uporabe,
određivanje prioriteta alarma, same granice aktivacije alarma te mjere koje se
poduzimaju, ovisno o prioritetu alarma. Kada dođe do aktivacije alarma, interventnim
mjerama i protokolima je važno odrediti načine odgovora na potencijalnu opasnost,
a to se postiže daljnjom koordinacijom, komunikacijom i uporabom propisane
opreme za suzbijanje nastanka nesreće jer su ove kategorije usko povezane s
alarmnim sustavima. Točnije, bez alarmne dojave, odgovori na krizne situacije bi bili
prekasni i ne toliko učinkoviti.
Abstract (english) The main goal of this work is to explore and process the alarm systems that
are present in thermal power plants, as well as their connection with the highest
quality implementation of the overall safety and efficiency of plant operation. Since
thermal power plants use complex work processes and work equipment, there is a
high risk of operational and safety irregularities. Precisely for this reason, the
implementation of these systems is carried out by detailed coverage and supervision
of all areas that represent a safety risk, i.e. the possibility of some form of accident
or incident. Covering such areas is done with sensors or detectors, which use signals
to travel from the location of detection of irregularities to the alarm control center,
which processes incoming signals, and if it is a potential danger, they activate the
alarm, i.e. they give a visual and audible signal to alarm managers and all plant staff.
There are many alarm systems in the thermal power plant, and according to their
purpose, they can be divided into alarm systems of : general safety, work equipment,
work process, anti-burglary and environmental protection (environmental alarms). In
order for the alarm manager's response to the alarm system to be as quick and
efficient as possible, training is carried out, which emphasizes the method of use,
determining the priority of the alarm, the very limits of alarm activation, and the
measures taken depending on the priority of the alarm. When an alarm is activated,
it is important to determine the ways of responding to potential danger with
intervention measures and protocols, and this is achieved through further
coordination, communication and the use of prescribed equipment to prevent the
occurrence of an accident, because these categories are closely related to alarm
systems. More precisely, without an alarm notification, responses to crisis situations
would be too late and not so efficient.
alarmni sustavi
zaštitne i interventne mjere
oprema za suzbijanje nesreće
potencijalni rizici postrojenja
Keywords (english)
alarm systems
thermal power plant
protective and intervention measures
equipment to suppress the accident
potential plant risks
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:128:272085
Study programme Title: Safety and Protection Study programme type: professional Study level: specialist graduate Academic / professional title: stručni/a specijalist/specijalistica inženjer/inženjerka sigurnosti i zaštite (stručni/a specijalist/specijalistica inženjer/inženjerka sigurnosti i zaštite)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2023-11-21 10:12:37