Author Ivan Grgurević
Mentor Katarina Štavlić (mentor)
Committee member Mirjana Radman - Funarić
Committee member Katarina Štavlić
Committee member Hrvoje Budić
Granter Polytehnic in Pozega (Social department) Požega
Defense date and country 2015-09-18, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Economics Trade and Tourism
Abstract U radu je objašnjeno zašto je važno upravljanje poslovnom dokumentacijom zato što razni dokumenti prate brojne poslovne procese i kako bi zaposlenici uspješno obavili svoj posao moraju im biti dostupni u svakom trenutku.
Da bi shvatili važnost poslovne dokumentacije važno je razumjeti pojmove vanjska trgovina i vanjskotrgovinsko poslovanje, te tko su sudionici procesa razmjene.
Dokumenti koji prate vanjskotrgovinsko poslovanje su od velikog značaja i važno je pravilno upravljanje poslovnom dokumentacijom, pogotovo suvremeni načini arhiviranja i digitalizacije dokumenata.
U vanjskotrgovinskom poslovanju se pojavljuje cijeli niz isprava, odnosno dokumenata i u radu je prikazana podjela poslovne dokumentacije, a robni dokumenti su kao isprave koje sadrže određene podatke o robi opširnije razrađene i za neke su dani prilozi u kojima je jasno vidljivo koji su to sve bitni dijelovi koje moraju sadržavati.
Jedne od najvažnijih robnih isprava su fakture, a u radu su opisane trgovačka faktura i ostale vrste faktura, te isprave koje se često rabe sa fakturom specifikacija robe i lista pakiranja.
Znanje pohranjeno u dokumentima velikih poslovnih sustava je dragocjeno i oni koji su uspjeli u svoj koncept poslovanja uvesti sistematizaciju dokumenata, pod tim se podrazumijeva detaljna analiza toka i životnog ciklusa dokumenata, određivanje njihovog mjesta, kao i uloge svakog zaposlenog prema dokumentima, uspjeli su postići neophodno razvrstavanje dokumenata po tipovima, otkrivanje praznog hoda u radnim procesima, spoznaje se zakonska regulativa o arhiviranju i uspostavlja se, kao krajnji rezultat, efikasniji i pregledniji rad.
Abstract (english) In this thesis, it is explained why it is important to manage business documentation, since documents follow different business processes and they have to be available so employers could do their jobs efficiently.
In order to realize the importance of business documentation, it is important to understand the terms „foreign trade exchange“ and „foreign trade business“, and who the participants in the exchange process are.
Documents that follow foreign trade exchange operations are very important and it is important to manage the business documentation correctly, and especially to apply the modern way of archiving and digitalization of documents.
There is a variety of papers, i.e. documents in the foreign trade exchange and in this thesis the classification of business documentation is shown, whereas commercial documents as papers that contain specific information on goods are explained in more detail and for some of them there are annexes that show which crucial parts they have to contain.
One of the most important commercial documents are the invoices, and this thesis explains what commercial invoices and other types of invoices are, followed by other documents that are frequently used with invoices, such as specification of goods and packing list.
Knowledge that is stored in the documents of big business systems is precious and those who manage to introduce systematization, which implies detailed analysis of the flow and life cycle of documents, defining their position, as well as the role of every employee towards the documents, in their own concept of business manage to achieve the necessary sorting of documents by type, detecting idling in business processes, as well as understanding of legal regulations for archiving and they establish, as their final goal, a more efficient and fully viewed work.
upravljanje poslovnom dokumentacijom
robni dokumenti
trgovačka faktura.
Keywords (english)
manage of business documentation
commercial documents
commercial invoice.
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:112:161713
Study programme Title: Professional study of Commerce Study programme type: professional Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: stručni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) ekonomije (stručni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) ekonomije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
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Created on 2015-09-23 10:46:26