Author Hrvoje Ančurovski
Mentor Mario Župan (mentor)
Committee member Svjetlana Letinić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Mario Župan (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Verica Budimir (član povjerenstva)
Granter Polytehnic in Pozega (Social department) Požega
Defense date and country 2021-01-25, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Economics
Abstract Građevinski sektor najstarija je i najznačajnija grana tehnike, a bavi se građenjem svih vrsta cesta, pruga, arhitektonskih zgrada i drugog. Građevinarstvo se općenito dijeli na visokogradnju i niskogradnju. Visokogradnji pripadaju stambeni (obiteljske kuće, stambene zgrade), javni (trgovina, ugostiteljstvo) i gospodarski (industrijski, poljoprivredni objekti) objekti, a niskogradnji pripadaju prometni smjer (projektiranje prometnica), konstruktivni smjer (mostovi, brane, tuneli), hidro-tehnički smjer (održavanje kanalizacijskih i vodoprivrednih objekata), geotehnički smjer (projektiranje i izvođenje različitih zahvata na tlu). Hrvatski građevinski sektor značajna je gospodarska djelatnost koja zauzima važno mjesto u hrvatskome gospodarstvu, a temelji se na slobodnoj konkurenciji i slobodnom poduzetništvu. Građevinski sektor svojom aktivnošću podiže razinu imovine, što otvara mogućnosti dugoročnog rasta. Predmet proučavanja ovog završnog rada je građevinski sektor Hrvatske u cjelini, te će biti analizirano kroz financijske pokazatelje. Cilj financijske analize je provjeriti je li građevinski sektor u hrvatskoj stabilan.. S tom svrhom i na temelju analize financijskih pokazatelja steći će se jasna slika o stanju građevinskog sektora u Hrvatskoj. Zadnji dio rada sastoji se od analize provedenog istraživanja financijskih pokazatelja na temelju sedam promatranih poduzeća. Izračunati financijski pokazatelji prikupljeni promatranjem sedam poduzeća dat će jasnu sliku građevinskog sektora Hrvatske u cjelini.
Abstract (english) The construction sector is the oldest and the most important branch of technology and it deals with the construction of all types of roads, railways, architectural buildings and other. Construction is generally divided into building and civil engineering. Building construction includes residential (family houses, residential buildings), public (trade, catering) and commercial (industrial, agricultural) facilities. On the other hand civil engineering includes traffic direction (road design), structural direction (bridges, dams, tunnels), hydro-technical direction (maintenance of sewage and water management facilities), geotechnical direction (design and execution of various interventions on the ground). The Croatian construction sector is a significant economic activity that holds an important place in the Croatian economy and it is based on free competition and free enterprise. The construction sector raises the level of assets through its activities, which leads to opening opportunities for longterm growth. The subject of this final paper is the construction sector in Croatia as a whole, that will be analyzed through financial indicators. The aim of the financial analysis is to check whether the construction sector in Croatia is stable. For this purpose and on the basis of the analysis of financial indicators, a clear picture of the state of the construction sector in Croatia will be obtained. The last part of the paper consists of an analysis of the conducted research of financial indicators based on the seven observed companies. The calculated financial indicators collected by observing seven companies will give a clear picture of the construction sector in Croatia as a whole.
građevinski sektor
financijska analiza
Keywords (english)
construction sector
financial analysis
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:112:155755
Study programme Title: Professional study of Accounting Study programme type: professional Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: stručni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) ekonomije (stručni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) ekonomije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
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Created on 2022-06-15 07:42:26