Author Kornelija Letinić
Mentor Anton Devčić (mentor)
Committee member Antun Marinac (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Anton Devčić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Marko Šostar (član povjerenstva)
Granter Polytehnic in Pozega Požega
Defense date and country 2021-12-15, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Economics
Abstract Tržište je mjesto gdje se susreću ponuda i potražnja. Obavljanje kupnje i prodaje može se odvijati izravno i neizravno. U ovome radu opisan je čaj kao jedan od napitaka koji se konzumira već 4000 godina. Čaj je na tržištu tijekom godina ostao zastupljen. Tržište se mijenjalo tijekom godina, prodaja se u davnoj prošlosti odvijala izravno između kupca i prodavača, tijekom godina tržište i sam način prodaje se razvio i omogućilo se kupcu i prodavaču da se prodaja obavlja neizravno uz pomoć posrednika. Čajevi se međusobno razlikuju ovisno o svojoj vrsti, kvaliteti, načinu pripreme. Upotreba čaja zastupljena je u svijetu dugi niz godina. To je proizvod koji je svojom kvalitetom i samim uživanjem u korištenju toga napitka izuzetno cijenjen. Kinezi su narod koji je čaju ostao vjeran već 4000 godina. U Japanu se čaj smatra svetim napitkom, njegova sama priprema predstavlja svečanost i uzvišeni ritual. U Velikoj Britaniji čaj se pije svakodnevno i postoje različiti načini na koje se spravlja. Čaj je jedan od napitaka koji, osim uživanja u njegovom okusu, pije se i kao napitak za pomoć u različitih zdravstvenim poteškoćama. U prošlosti, čaj je također bio napitak koji se služio kao pomoć pri zdravstvenim poteškoćama, ali i u današnje vrijeme jedan dio ljudi ga prakticira. Svrha ovoga rada bila je utvrditi koliko je čaj kao napitak bitan kupcima i na temelju provedene ankete utvrditi koliko su zainteresirani za kupnju tog napitka, za koje vrste čaja su najviše zainteresirani, koliko im je bitna cijena prilikom kupnje, koliko je bitan proizvođač i koliko su zadovoljni sa samim okusom i uživanjem u čaju.
Abstract (english) The market is the place where supply and demand meet. Buying and selling can take place directly and indirectly. This paper describes tea as one of the beverages that has been consumed for 4000 years. Tea has remained on the market over the years. The market has changed over the years, sales in the distant past took place directly between the buyer and the seller, over the years the market and the way of selling itself developed and allowed the buyer and the seller to sell indirectly with the help of intermediaries. Teas differ from each other depending on their type, quality, method of preparation. The use of tea has been present in the world for many years. It is a product that is highly valued for its quality and enjoyment of using this beverage. The Chinese are a people who have remained faithful to tea for 4,000 years. In Japan, tea is considered a sacred beverage, its preparation itself is a ceremony and a sublime ritual. In the UK, tea is drunk daily and there are different ways it is made. Tea is one of the beverages that, in addition to enjoying its taste, is also drunk as a beverage to help with various health problems. In the past, tea was also a beverage that served to help with health problems, but even today, one part of the people practices it. The purpose of this study was to determine how important tea as a beverage is to customers and based on a survey conducted to determine how interested they are in buying this beverage, what types of tea they are most interested in, how important the price is when buying, how important the manufacturer is and how satisfied they are with the very taste and enjoyment of the tea.
zdravstveni razlozi
Keywords (english)
health reasons
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:112:790634
Study programme Title: Specialist professional graduate study of Trade Business Study programme type: professional Study level: specialist graduate Academic / professional title: stručni/a specijalist/ specijalistica ekonomije (stručni/a specijalist/ specijalistica ekonomije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Access restricted to students and staff of home institution
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Created on 2022-11-15 08:23:33