Author | Željka Vulić |
Mentor | Mirela Mezak Matijević (mentor) |
Committee member | Antun Marinac (predsjednik povjerenstva) |
Committee member | Mirela Mezak Matijević (član povjerenstva) |
Committee member | Jasmina Mlađenović (član povjerenstva) |
Granter | Polytehnic in Pozega Požega |
Defense date and country | 2018-01-29, Croatia |
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline | SOCIAL SCIENCES Law Administrative Law and Administration |
Abstract | Tema završnog rada su informativne djelatnosti u sustavu javnog sektora, s posebnim
osvrtom na institucionalne oblike informativnih djelatnosti - Hrvatsku izvještajnu novinsku
agenciju i Hrvatsku radioteleviziju te njihov ustroj, djelatnosti i financiranje. Objašnjen je
način rada i djelokrug svakog od ustrojenih tijela: upravnog vijeća, ravnatelja i stručnog
vijeća. Kroz završni rad opisana je povijest informativnih djelatnosti, razvoj radija, novina,
televizije. Subjekti u informativnoj djelatnosti, prava i zaštita korisnika informativne
djelatnosti dio su jednog poglavlja. Jedna od bitnijih stavki u financiranju radiotelevizije je
RTV pristojba te koncesija u djelatnosti radija i televizije. U drugom djelu predstavljeni su
elektronički mediji te bitna svojstva Agencije za elektroničke medije. Na kraju je obrazloženo
koja je važnost sustava informiranja i što sve obuhvaća pravo na pristup informacija te
ponešto o Hrvatskoj regulatornoj agenciji za mrežne djelatnosti (HAKOM). |
Abstract (english) | The topic of the final work is information activities in the public sector system, with
special emphasis on institutional forms of information activities - the Croatian Reporting
Agency and Croatian Radio and Television, and their organization, activities and financing.
The manner and scope of each of the established bodies: the Administrative Council, the
Director and the Expert Council has been explained. Through the final paper, the history of
information activities, the development of radio, newspapers, television is described. Subjects
in information activities, rights and protection of information users are part of a chapter. One
of the most important items in the financing of the radio television is the VAT fee, and the
concession in the activities of radio and television. In the second part, electronic media and
essential features of the Agency for Electronic Media are presented. In the end, it is explained
what the importance of the information system is, which includes the right to access
information and some about the Croatian Network Regulatory Agency (HAKOM). |
Keywords |
Keywords (english) |
Language | croatian |
URN:NBN | urn:nbn:hr:112:675528 |
Study programme | Title: Administrative Studies Study programme type: professional Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: stručni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) javne uprave (stručni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) javne uprave) |
Type of resource | Text |
File origin | Born digital |
Access conditions | Access restricted to students and staff of home institution |
Terms of use | |
Created on | 2018-02-08 08:02:23 |