Title Državna uprava u Hrvatskoj
Author Katarina Borić
Mentor Ivan Rančić (mentor)
Committee member Dijana Mečev
Committee member Ljubo Runjić
Committee member Ivan Rančić
Granter Šibenik University of Applied Sciences (Administrative Law) Šibenik
Defense date and country 2015-10-28, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Law Administrative Law and Administration
Abstract Državna uprava nastala je između 15. i 18. stoljeća u Europi kao jedinstveni sustav. Njenom pojavom u Europi u kratkom vremenu počinje biti sastavni dio pravne kontrole u državama. Protekom vremena država i državna uprava diferencira se u nekoliko uzastopnih valova. Demokratskim reformama država dobiva novi vrh u predstavničkom tijelu, mijenja se položaj šefa države, uvodi se dioba vlasti. Pokušavajući postići sklad i zakonitost sve više se prožima pravom. Državna uprava se naglo širi i počinje biti sve razvedenija u europskim institucijskim i urbanim društvima 19. i 20. stoljeća. Nova infastruktura u prometu, komunikacijama, građevinarstvu, energetici, razvitak javne zdrastvene službe, komunalne djelatnosti u gradovima, informacijske službe, postepeno uvođenje socijalne sigurnosti - sve su to nove zadaće javne uprave. Zadužena je za neposrednu provedbu zakona, donošenje propisa za njihovu provedbu, obavljanje upravnog i inspekcijskog nadzora te druge upravne i stručne poslove. Te poslove obavljaju tijela državne uprave, a određeni poslovi državne uprave mogu se povjeriti i tijelima jedinica lokalne i područne (regionalne) samouprave ili drugim pravnim osobama koje na temelju zakona imaju javne ovlasti. Svrha svih tih poslova je držati kontrolu i urediti državu kako bi ona što skladnije funkcionirala. Državna uprava RH, dakle, obuhvaća ministarstva, središnje državne urede, državne upravne organizacije i urede državne uprave koji su osnovani u županijama. Ministarstva su nedvojbeno „osnovni kostur“ državne uprave, ona imaju u svakoj državi ključno značenje u pripremanju i oblikovanju važnih zakonskih i drugih akata. Ministarstva se ustrojavaju za obavljanje poslova državne uprave u jednom ili više upravnih područja.
Abstract (english) Government was created between the 15th and 18th centuries in Europe as a single system. Her appearance in Europe in a short time begins to be an integral part of legal control in the countries. Following the expiry of state and government differentiates in several successive waves. Democratic reforms the state gets a new peak in the representative body, changing the position of the head of state, introduced the separation of powers. Trying to achieve harmony and legitimacy increasingly pervades law. Government is expanding rapidly and is starting to be more and more indented in European institutional and urban societies of the 19th and 20th centuries. New infrastructures in transport, communications, construction, energy, the development of public health service, communal services in cities, information services, the gradual introduction of social security - these are all new tasks of public administration. She is responsible for the immediate implementation of the law, the adoption of regulations for their implementation, carrying out administrative and inspection control and other administrative and professional duties. These tasks are performed by government bodies, and certain affairs of state administration may be entrusted to bodies of local and territorial (regional) self-government or other legal entities under the law with public authority. The purpose of all these things is to keep control and regulate the country make it as harmonious function. Government of Croatia, therefore, includes the ministries, central state offices, government agencies and the government offices that were established in the county. Ministries are undoubtedly "basic skeleton" of the state administration, they have in every state a key importance in preparing and shaping the relevant legal and other documents. Ministries are established for carrying out state administration in one or more administrative areas.
Keywords (english)
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:143:954260
Study programme Title: Undergraduate study of Administrative Law Study programme type: professional Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: stručni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea)javne uprave (stručni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea)javne uprave)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
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Created on 2016-02-09 09:45:18