Abstract | Europska unija je jedinstvena meduvladina i nadnacionalna zajednica europskih drZava koja se
temelji se na vladavini prava. Svako njezino djelovanje temelji se na ugovorima koje su
dobrovoljno i demokratski odobrile sve drZave dlanice Europske unije. Nastala je kao proces
suradnje i integracije izrnedu Sest drZava: Francuske, Njemadke, Italije, Belgije, Nizozemske i
Luksemburga. Prva supranacionalna institucija izmedu navedenih Sest drZava osnovanaje I . srpnja
1952. pod nazivom Europska zajednica za ugljen i delik (EZUC) kojaje nastala potpisivanjem
Ugovora o osnivanju Europske zajednice za ugljen i delik. Iste drZave dlanice su25. oZujka 1957.
na sastanku u fumu potpisale i sljedeia dva ugovora: Ugovor o Europskoj ekonomskoj zajednici
(EEZ) i Ugovor o europskoj zajednici za atomsku energiju - Euroatom, odnosno Rimski ugovori.
Sukladno Ugovoru o Europskoj ekonomskoj zajednici l. sijednja 1958. osnovana je
supranacionalna zajednica pod nazivom Europska ekonomska zajednica (EEZ). Drugim Rimskim
sporazumom iz 1957 . osnovana je Europska zajednica za atomsku energiju (EUROATOM). Za
razliku od ugovora o EZUe-u, Rimski ugovori sklopljeni su na neogranideno vrijeme Sto im je
dalo gotovo ustavni status. Cilj EEZ-a bio je uspostava zajednidkog trZi5ta zasnovanog na detiri
slobode: sloboda kretanja robe, osoba, kapitala i usluga. Uspjehom zajednice smatra se i
uspostavljanje carinske unije, zajednidke poljoprivredne, trgovinske i transportne politike.
Uspostava Zajednice bio je polaganje temelja za uspostavu danaSnjeg unutamjeg trZi5ta Europske
unije. Cilj stvaranja Euroatoma bio je osigurati zemljama dlanicama energetsku samostalnost
Zavr5ni rad
koriStenjem atomske energije. Pored ekonomskih motiva za stvaranje Zajednice bili su vaZni i oni
politidki. Navedeni ugovori skupnim nazivom nazivaju se Osnivadki ugovori. Oni su bitno
izmijenjeni, a Ugovor o Europskoj zajednici za ugljen i delik prestao je vaZiti 2002. Danas se
Europska unija temelji na Ugovoru o Europskoj uniji i Ugovoru o funkcioniranju Europske unije
koji su prihva6eni na temelju Ugovora iz Lisabona koji je stupio na snagu l. prosinca 2009. |
Abstract (english) | The European Union is a single inlergovemmental and supranational community of European
states based on the rule of law. All its action is based on treaties approved voluntarily and
democratically by all member states of the European Union. It was created as a process ol
cooperation and integration between six countries: France, Germany, Italy, Belgium, the
Netherlands and Luxembourg. The first supranational institution between the six countries was
established on the l'r ofJuly 1952 under the name of the European Coal and Steel Community
(ECSC). which was created by signing the Treaty establishing the European Coal and Steel
Community. The same Member States at a meeting in Rome on the 25th of March 1957 atso
signed the following two treaties known as the "The Treaties of Rome": the Treaty establishing
the European Economic Community (EEC) and the Treaty establishing the European Atomic
Energy Community - (EAEC or Euratom). In accordance with the Treaty on European Economic
Community, a supranational community called the European Economic Community (EEC) was
established on thelst of January 1958. The Second Treaty of Rome of 1957 established the
European Atomic Energy Community (EAEC). Unlike the ECSC Treaty, the Treaties of Rome
were concluded for an indefinite period oftime, which gave them almost constitutional status. The
aim of the EEC was to establish a common market based on,.Four Freedom": the free movement
of goods, persons. capital and services. The success of the community is considered to be the
establishment of a customs union, common agricultural, trade and transport policy. The
Raiinska 81, anita.skoric@gmail.com
establishment of the Community was laying the foundation for the establishment of today's EU
intemal market. The aim of creating Euratom (EAEC) was to provide member states with energy
independence though the use of atomic energy. In addition to economic motives for the creation
ol the Community, political ones were also important. These agreements are collectively called
the Founding Agreements. The agreements have been substantially amended, and the Treaty
establishing the European Coal and Steel Community expired in 2002. Today, the European Union
is based on the Treaty on European Union and the Treaty on the Functioning of the European
Union, which were accepted on basis of the Treaty of Lisbon, which entered into force on the I st
of December 2009. |