Abstract | Živimo u vremenu kada se sve može brendirati, uključujući i turističku destinaciju, grad, državu. Svaki brend ima svoju poruku i logo zbog kojeg je jedinstven. Kako nam je cilj brendirati državu, potrebno je osmisliti poruku i vizualni identitet koji će biti obilježje naše države. Opće je poznato da nema uspješnog proizvoda bez prethodne promidžbe i brendiranja, ista stvar je i sa državama. Da bi postale što atraktivnije i turistima privlačnije potrebno je ulagati u nacionalno brendiranje država. Hrvatska, kao zemlja umjerene klime, zanimljivog geograsfkog položaja, raznolike kulture, dobre hrane, druželjubivih ljudi, predstavlja vrlo vrijedan potencijal za stvaranje prepoznatljivog branda na tržištu. Međutim, spoznaja o vrijednostima Hrvatske u svijetu je i dalje nepoznanica. Svijet i dalje živi u zabludi da je rat još aktivan, da Hrvatska kao zemlja nije sigurna za boravak, a dobar dio svijeta ni ne zna za naše postojanje. Činjenica kako svijet ima mnogo gore mišljenje o nama od onog koje je u stvarnosti, vrijedan je potencijal koji možemo iskoristiti u našu prednost. Rad je podijeljen u pet tematskih cjelina zajedno sa zaključkom. Prikazano je koliko brand može utjecati na razvoj države, istaknuti aktivne brandove koji dominiraju na našem tržištu, a poznati su i van naših granica, ukazati na neotkrivene potencijale koji su dobar preduvjet za nastanak prepoznatljivog branda i prikazati usporedbu Hrvatske sa Škotskom. |
Abstract (english) | We live in a time when we can brand everything, including tourist destinations, cities and countries. Every brand has its own message and logo which makes them unique. Since our goal is to brand a country, we need to design a message and visual identity that will be characteristic for our country. It is well known that there is no successful product without promotion and branding and the same is true for coutries. To become more attractive for tourists it is necessary to invest in a national branding of countries. Croatia, a country of moderate climate, interesting geographical position, diverse culture, tasty food and sociable people, presents very valuable potential for designing recognizable brand on the market. However, cognition of values of Croatia in the world is yet to be discovered. The world still lives in a delusion that the war is still in progress, that Croatia as a country to live in is not safe, and a big part of the world is not even aware of our existance. The fact that the world has a lot worse opinion of Croatia than it really is, is a valuable potential than we can use in our advantage. Paper is divided in five topics including the conclusion. It is presented how much can a brand affect the development of a country, highlight active brands that dominate our market, that are known outside our borders, to point out hidden potencials which are good postulate for occurance of recognizable brand and to show a comparison of Croatia with Croatia than it really is, is a valuable potential than we can use in our advantage.Paper is divided in five topics including the conclusion. It is presented how much can a brand affect the development of a country, highlight active brands that dominate our market, that are known outside our borders, to point out hidden potencials which are good postulate for occurance of recognizable brand and to show a comparison of Croatia with Scotland. |