Title Primjena kružnih principa u hrvatskom gospodarstvu
Author Leonardo Zadravec
Mentor Dijana Mečev (mentor)
Committee member Anita Grubišić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Jelena Šišara (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Dijana Mečev (član povjerenstva)
Granter Šibenik University of Applied Sciences (Management) Šibenik
Defense date and country 2024-11-07, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Economics
Abstract Negativni utjecaji linearnog modela poslovanja i mogućnosti ponovnog korištenja otpada u proizvodnji primarni su pokretači jačanja kružne ekonomije. Cirkularna ekonomija, kao ekonomska filozofija koja se temelji na izbjegavanju nastanka otpada i stvaranju kružnog tijeka materijala i resursa u zatvorenom krugu, promiče svijest o važnosti očuvanja resursa i okoliša. Proizvodi se u kružnoj ekonomiji osmišljuju na način da ih se lako rasklapa, reciklira te da se otpad može koristititi kao resurs za nove proizvode ili usluge. Oporavak prirode od prekomjernog i nekontroliranog korištenja jedan je od principa kružne ekonomije. Poduzeća pomoću kružnih poslovnih modela pružaju nova rješenja u pokretanju većih prihoda i smanjenju troškova prijelazom na cirkularnu ekonomiju. Prijelaz s linearnog modela ekonomije na cirkularnu ekonomiju na području Hrvatske je još uvijek spor i neefikasan. Zbog nedostatka regulatornih dokumenata te strategija razvoja kružne ekonomije, nije moguće uvođenje kružne ekonomije na široj razini. U odnosu na veliki broj zemalja Europske unije, Hrvatska zaostaje u svim segmentima gospodarenja otpadom i primjene cirkularne ekonomije. Prepreke u prelasku na kružne poslovne modele se nalaze u cjelokupnom sustavu, zakonodavnim okvirima, financijskim institucijama, stavovima građana, nedostatku interesa i tehnologije od strane poduzeća, neprilagođenosti infrastrukture za prikupljanje, sortiranje i recikliranje otpada. Kružna ekonomija stvara prilike za gospodarski rast, potiče nove inovacije te otvara nova radna mjesta. Prijedlozi rješenja i ideja za uspješniji prelazak na kružno gospodarstvo pomoći će gospodarstvu Hrvatske u ostvarivanju boljih ukupnih životnih uvjeta. Cilj samoga rada je istražiti koliko je zapravo hrvatsko gospodarstvo kružno u usporedbi s određenim zemljama iz okoline i samom Europskom unijom, koje su barijere prelaska s linearnog modela poslovanja na cirkularni model poslovanja, utvrditi prijedloge za bolju i uspješniju tranziciju hrvatskog gospodarstva te prikazati primjere dobre prakse kružnog poslovanja na području Hrvatske.
Abstract (english) The negative impacts of the linear business model and the possibility of reusing waste in production are the primary drivers of strengthening the circular economy. The circular economy, as an economic philosophy based on the avoidance of waste and the creation of a circular flow of materials and resources in a closed circle, promotes awareness of the importance of preserving resources and the environment. Products in the circular economy are designed in such a way that they can be easily disassembled, recycled, and that waste can be used as a resource for new products or services. The recovery of nature from excessive and uncontrolled use is one of the principles of the circular economy. Companies using circular business models provide new solutions to drive higher revenues and reduce costs by transitioning to a circular economy. The transition from a linear economy model to a circular economy in Croatia is slow and inefficient. The lack of regulatory documents and circular economy development strategies makes it impossible to introduce a circular economy on a wider level. Compared to the European Union and neighboring countries in the European Union, such as Slovenia and Hungary, Croatia lags behind in all segments of waste management and circular economy. Obstacles in the transition to circular business models are found in the entire system, legislative frameworks, financial institutions, attitudes of citizens, lack of interest and technology on the part of companies, lack of adaptation of the infrastructure for collecting, sorting and recycling waste. The circular economy creates opportunities for economic growth, encourages new innovations and creates new jobs. Proposals for solutions and ideas for a more successful transition to a circular economy will help the Croatian economy to achieve better overall living conditions. The aim of the work itself is to investigate how circular the Croatian economy is in fact compared to certain countries from the surrounding area and the European Union itself, what are the barriers to the transition from a linear business model to a circular business model, to determine proposals for a better and more successful transition of the Croatian economy, and to present examples of good practice circular business in Croatia.
kružna ekonomija
gospodarenje otpadom
tranzicija prema kružnim modelima poslovanja
gospodarstvo Hrvatske
Keywords (english)
circular economy
waste management
transition towards circular business models
Croatian economy
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:143:711184
Study programme Title: Management Study programme type: professional Study level: specialist graduate Academic / professional title: stručni/a specijalist/specijalistica menadžmenta (stručni/a specijalist/specijalistica menadžmenta)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Access restricted to students and staff of home institution
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Created on 2024-11-27 13:33:39