Abstract | Biogoriva, kao obnovljivi izvori energije dobivaju se preradom biomase. Korištenje obnovljivih izvora energije u skladu je s globalnom strategijom održivog razvoja. Korištenje biogoriva u prometu doprinosi povećanju sigurnosti opskrbe i smanjenju ovisnosti prometnog sektora o nafti, smanjenju udjela emisije stakleničkih plinova iz cestovnog prometa te podupiranju održivog razvoja ruralnih područja.Biogoriva se dijele na biogoriva prve,druge i trece generacije.U prvu generaciju spadaju biodizel,bioplin,bioetanol. Biodizel se dobiva od biljaka koje u sebi sadrže znatan postotak ulja (uljana repica, soja,). Od biljaka koje pak imaju znatan postotak šećera (šećerna trska, kukuruz) proizvodi se bioetanol (tekuće alkoholno gorivo), uz pomoć kvaščevih gljivica i naknadnom preradom. Najvažnija sirovina za proizvodnju biodizela u Hrvatskoj je uljana repica. Otpadno jestivo ulje također je značajni izvor za proizvodnju biodizela pa je potrebno unaprijediti njegovo prikupljanje. Prednost biogoriva (biodizel i bioetanol) u odnosu na druga alternativna goriva očituje se u korištenju u postojećim vozilima bez ikakvih ili s malim modifikacijama postojećih motora, što ovisi o koncentraciji biogoriva u mješavini s fosilnim gorivom. Biogoriva druge generacije koja su trenutačno u proizvodnji su: celulozni etanol, biovodik (biohidrogen), biometanol, biodimetileten (bio – DME), dimetilformamid (DMF), HTU dizel Fischer–Tropschov dizel, mješavine alkohola, drvni plin. Biogoriva druge generacije dobivaju se preradom poljoprivrednog i šumskog otpada. Za razliku od prve generacije, biogoriva ove generacije znatno bi mogla smanjiti emisiju ugljikovog dioksida CO2, a uz to ne koriste izvore hrane kao temelj proizvodnje i neke vrste osiguravaju bolji rad motora. Biogoriva treće generacije su biogoriva proizvedena iz algi. Na temelju laboratorijskih ispitivanja alge mogu proizvesti i do trideset puta više energije po hektaru zemljišta od žitarica kao što je soja. Sa višim cijenama fosilnih goriva, postoji dosta veliko zanimanje za uzgoj algi. Jedna od velikih prednosti ovakvog biogoriva je u tome što je biorazgradivo, tako da je relativno bezopasno za okoliš ako se dogodi havarija. |
Abstract (english) | Biofuels, as renewable sources of energy, are obtained by processing biomass. Using renewable energy is in line with the global strategy of sustainable development. The use of biofuels in transport contributes to the increasing security of supply and reduces the dependence on the oil market sector, reducing the share of greenhouse gas emissions from road transport as well as supporting the sustainable development of rural areas. Biofuels are divided into biofuels of the first, second and third generation. The first generation includes biodiesel, biogas and bioethanol. Biodiesel is produced from plants that contain a considerable percentage of oil (canola, soy). Bioethanol (liquid fuel alcohol), with the help of yeast fungi and subsequent processing, is produced from plants which in turn have a significant percentage of sugar (sugar cane, corn). The most important raw material in Croatia is oil seed rape. Waste edible cooking oil is also a major source for the production of biodiesel so therefore it is necessary to improve its collection. The advantage of biofuel (bioethanol and biodiesel) in comparison to other alternative fuels is evident in the use of existing vehicles with no or minor modifications to existing engines, depending on the concentration of biofuel in combination with fossil fuel. Second-generation biofuels that are currently in production are: cellulosic ethanol, biohydrogen (biohydrogen), biomethanol, biodimetileten (bio - DME); dimethylformamide (DMF), HTU diesel Fischer-Tropsch diesel, a mixture of alcohol and wood gas. Second-generation biofuels are distilled from agricultural and forest waste. Unlike the first generation, biofuels of this generation could significantly reduce the emission of carbon dioxide CO2, they do not use food as the basis of production and some types ensure better engines. Biofuels are the third generation of biofuels produced from algae. Based on laboratory tests, algae can produce up to thirty times more energy per hectare of land from grains such as soybeans. With higher prices of fossil fuels, there is a great interest in the cultivation of algae. One of the great advantages of this biofuel is that it is biodegradable, so it is relatively harmless to the environment if an accident occurs |