Abstract | Poslove redovitog izvoza obavlja svaki poduzetnik koji izvozi robu iz zemlje u inozemstvo, a poslove uvoza obavljaju poduzetnici koji iz inozemstva uvoze robu u svoju zemlju. Sve što je za jednu zemlju uvoz, za drugu je izvoz i obratno.
U kooperacijske poslove uključuju se poduzetnici koji teže k istom cilju te im je lakše ostvariti ga uz pomoć drugih poduzetnika, a s obzirom na vrstu svoje djelatnosti odlučuju se za određeni oblik, tj. vrstu kooperacijskog posla.
Specifičnim poslovima se bave poduzetnici koji smatraju da će posao biti uspješniji ako se budu bavili nekim od ovih poslova, a razlozi zbog kojih bi neki poduzetnik ušao u ovakav tip posla najviše proizlaze iz nerazvijenosti gospodarstva određene zemlje, a isto tako i iz političkih razloga. Specifični poslovi se dijele na 4 vrste poslova, a to su poslovi vezane vezane trgovine; kompenzacijski poslovi te barter poslovi razmjene, poslovi franšizinga i poslovi lizinga. Kompenzacijski posao najjednostavnije rečeno je razmjena robe za robu. S obzirom na broj sudionika kompenzacija može biti izravna, proširena ili trostrana.
Barter posao je vrsta posla kod kojega se sudionici na temelju posebnog sporazuma, barter sporazuma, obvezuju da će izvršiti međusobnu razmjenu robe i usluga.
Reeksportni posao je vrsta specifičnog posla gdje reeksporter kupuje robu na jednom tržištu a prodaje ju na drugom kako bi sebi osigurao prihod. Vrste su direktni, tranzitni i reeksportni posao s doradbom.
Franšizingom se sa prodavatelja na primatelja franšize prenosi pravo prodaje i proizvodnje uz plaćanje određene naknade. S obzirom na vrstu djelatnosti, razlikujemo franšizing robe, franšizing usluga i industrijski franšizing.
Lizing je suvremeni način financiranja skupe opreme, tehnologije te drugih ekonomskih dobara. Vrste lizinga prema načinu financiranja neizravni i izravni; prema karakteru ugovorne obveze financijski i operativni; prema trajanju kratkoročni i dugoročni te prema predmetu lizinga lizing investicijske opreme, lizing kompletnih postrojenje i lizing robe široke potrošnje trajne vrijednosti. |
Abstract (english) | Regular export operations are performed by every entrepreneur who exports goods from the country abroad, and import operations are performed by entrepreneurs who import goods from abroad to their country. Everything that is import for one country is export for another and vice versa. Entrepreneurs who strive for the same goal and it is easier for them to achieve it with the help of other entrepreneurs are included in the cooperative business, and considering the type of their activity, they decide on a certain form, that is the type of cooperative work.
Specific jobs are done by entrepreneurs who believe that the business will be more successful if they do some of these jobs, and the reasons why an entrepreneur would enter this type of business stem mostly from the underdevelopment of a country's economy, as well as political reasons. Specific jobs are divided into 4 types of jobs, which are related trade jobs; compensation business and barter exchange business, franschising business and leasing business. The compensatory business is simply the exchange of goods for goods. Depending on the number of participants, compensation can be direct, extended or tripartite.
Barter job is a type of job in which the participants undertake, on the basis of a special agreement, a barter agreement, to exchange goods and services. A re-export business is a type specific business where a re-exporter buys goods in one market and sells them in another to secure income for himself. The types are direct, transit and re-export business with finishing.
By franchising, the right to sell and produce is transferred from the seller to the franchisee with the payment of a certain fee. Depending on the type of activity, we distinguish between franchising of goods, franchising of sevices and industrial franchising. Leasing is a modern way of financing expensive equipment, tehnology and other economic goods. Types of leasing according to the method of financing indirect and direct; according to the nature of the contractual obligation, financial and operational; by duration of short-term and long-term and by subject of leasing, leasing of investment equipment, leasing of complete plants and leasing of consumer goods of permanent value. |