Title Uzgoj jagode s naglaskom na zaštitu
Title (english) Strawberry cultivation with emphasis on protection
Author Ivan Đuzel
Mentor Slavica Antunović (mentor)
Committee member Teuta Benković-Lačić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Slavica Antunović (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Ljiljana Božić-Ostojić (član povjerenstva)
Granter College of Slavonski Brod (Agricultural Department) Slavonski Brod
Defense date and country 2019-09-13, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOTECHNICAL SCIENCES Agronomy
Abstract U radu je opisan uzgoj jagode u vlastitom obiteljskom vrtu te najzastupljenije bolesti i štetnici u nasadu jagoda u našem agroekološkom području kao i suzbijanje i način zaštite protiv opisanih bolesti i štetnika.
Jagoda predstavlja ekonomski najznačajniju voćnu vrstu iz grupe jagodičastog voća. U Hrvatskoj su najzastupljeniji proizvođači u obliku malih obiteljskih gospodarstava koji žele modernizirati i poboljšati svoj način proizvodnje kako bi bili u rangu s ostalim bolje razvijenim europskim zemljama. Jagoda je osjetljiva na bolesti i štetnike te je velika potreba za njihovim suzbijanjem, a svaka takva ulaganja iziskuju dodatne financijske troškove koji su u ponekim godinama previsoki. Ako se žele dobiti kvalitetni plodovi i tržišna vrijednost istih, treba povećati i novčana ulaganja. Proizvodnja jagode u Hrvatskoj prema Statističkom ljetopisu za 2018. godinu iznosi nešto više od 3000 tona, s tim da je svake godine u blagom padu. Budući Hrvatska ima potencijale u proizvodnji voća, osobito što se tiče klime, trajanja vegetacije, kvalitete tla treba povećati proizvodne površine i modernizirati tehnologiju uzgoja te plasirati kvalitetne proizvode na tržište u Hrvatskoj i europskim zemljama. Ukoliko se želi imati zdrav nasad bez prisustva uzročnika bolesti i štetnika,mora se voditi briga o svim agrotehničkim i pomotehničkim zahvatima koje jagoda kao kultura zahtijeva.
Cilj završnog rada je opisati morfologiju jagode, različite bolesti i štetnike koji ju napadaju kao i mjere zaštite te se upoznati s uzgojem i zaštitom jagode u vrtu obitelji Đuzel.
Abstract (english) The paper describes the cultivation of strawberries in our own family garden and the most common diseases and pests in the strawberry plantation in our agroecological area, as well as the control and the way of protection against the described diseases and pests.
Strawberry represents the most economically important fruit species from the berry group. Croatia is the most represented producer in the form of small family farms who want to modernize and improve their production method in order to be in line with other better developed European countries. Strawberry is susceptible to diseases and pests, and there is a great need to combat them, and any such investment requires additional financial costs that are sometimes prohibitive in some years. If you want to get quality fruits and the market value of the same, then the financial investments should be increased. According to the Statistical Yearbook for 2018, strawberry production in Croatia is just over 3000 tonnes, with a slight decline each year. Since Croatia has potential in fruit production, especially in terms of climate, vegetation duration, soil quality, it is necessary to increase production areas and modernize cultivation technology and to market quality products in Croatia and European countries. If you want to have a healthy plantation without the presence of pathogens and pests, care must be taken about all the agro-technical and pomotechnical interventions that strawberry as a crop requires.
The aim of the final paper is to describe the morphology of strawberries, various diseases and pests that attack it, as well as the measures of protection and to get acquainted with the cultivation and protection of strawberry in the garden of the Đuzel family.
Keywords (english)
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:174:898875
Study programme Title: Plant Production; specializations in: Farming, Horticulture Course: Farming Study programme type: professional Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: stručni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) inženjer/inženjerka bilinogojstva (stručni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) inženjer/inženjerka bilinogojstva)
Type of resource Text
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Created on 2020-06-26 10:01:00