Research Data Management - a New Course from the Croatian RDA Node

SRCE, as the coordinator of the national Research Data Alliance (RDA) node, in cooperation with authors from the University Library Rijeka, the University Library Split, the City and University Library Osijek and the National and University Library in Zagreb, created an online course "Research Data Management".

The course is for researchers, students, and faculty, librarians, and data enthusiasts who want to learn more about managing research data throughout the data lifecycle. Upon completion of the course, participants will acquire the necessary knowledge about managing research data. The course is designed in such a way that anyone can follow it, and does not require the participants to have the necessary prior knowledge and skills. During course participants, acquire knowledge about the basic steps, terms and methods of managing research data.

Enrolment and duration of the course are not time-limited, and participants can attend the course at their own pace. All units of the course are open at the same time, so participants can go through the units, as they like.

Participants who have finished all lessons in the course and passed all knowledge tests are awarded a certificate of course completion and a digital badge.

The course follows all phases of the research data life cycle and is divided into six units: Introduction to research data management, FAIR data and principles, Naming, organization, versioning of research data files and formats, Documentation and reliable storage of research data, Management of personal and sensitive research data and Publication and Reuse of Research Data.

The course is available in the category "Courses about platforms, tools and good practices in the research data life cycle".



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