Abstract | Paški sir je tvrdi, punomasni ovčji sir koji se proizvodi od mlijeka paških ovaca. Riječ je o stoljetnoj tradiciji proizvodnje koja se veže za podneblje otoka Paga. Ovčje mlijeko sadrži veći udio suhe tvari, bjelančevina i mliječne masti u odnosu na druge vrste mlijeka, kao što su kravlje i kozje, te ima značajan utjecaj na kvalitetu i količinu tj. randman sira, koji se od njega proizvodi. Na kvalitetu i randman paškog sira uz količinu i kvalitetu mlijeka utječu: tehnološki postupak proizvodnje, njega sira, uvjeti tijekom zrenja, trajanje zrenja. Osim paškog sira u radu će biti opisana kvaliteta i randman paške skute. Riječ je o vrsti mekog, albuminskog sira koji se dobiva preradom sirutke, nusproizvoda u proizvodnji paškog sira. Cilj rada je utvrditi utjecaj kvalitete ovčjeg mlijeka na kvalitetu i randman paškog sira i skute. Uzorci skupnog ovčjeg mlijeka prikupljani su u Sirani Gligora d.o.o., u mjestu Kolan na otoku Pagu. Uzorci su prikupljani i analizirani tijekom svibnja i lipnja 2015. godine. Analiza uzoraka ovčjeg mlijeka provedena je u laboratoriju sirane. Prikupljeno je 20 uzoraka ovčjeg mlijeka u kojem je odreĎen kemijski sastav (udio suhe tvari, suhe tvari bez masti, bjelančevina, mliječne masti, laktoze), metodom infracrvene spektrometrije (IR), odreĎivanje udjela mliječne masti gravimetrijskom metodom po Gerber-u. OdreĎena je i kiselost mlijeka, sirne mase, sirutke, (pH) ionometrijskom i stupanj kiselosti mlijeka (oSH) titracijskom metodom. Provedena je i procjena patvorenja mlijeka odreĎivanjem gustoće i točke ledišta mlijeka, a svakodnevno su bilježeni podaci o količini zaprimljenog mlijeka (kg), sirutke (kg), te o količini sira i skute (kg) tijekom prerade mlijeka. Bilježenjem podataka o količini zaprimljenog mlijeka, u sirani se u prosjeku preradi 1,600 kg ovčjeg mlijeka/dan, od kojeg se proizvede 347 kg paškog sira, te 1.253 kg sirutke/dan od koje se proizvede 60,13 kg skute dnevno. Izračunavanjem randmana temeljem podataka o količini zaprimljenog mlijeka i količini proizvedenog sira, izračunato je da se u prosjeku od 100 kg ovčjeg mlijeka proizvede 22,48 kg paškog sira (3,11 kg prosječne težine po 1 siru), dok je na temelju zabilježenih podataka o količini sirutke i proizvedene skute, izračunat randman skute, te je utvrĎeno da se u prosjeku od 100 kg sirutke proizvede 5,29 kg skute (350 g prosječne težine po komadu). |
Abstract (english) | Pag cheese is a hard, whole milk sheep cheese produced from the milk of Pag island sheep. A century long tradition of production is closely connected with the climate of the island of Pag. Sheep milk contains a higher share of dry matter, proteins and milk fat than other types of milk, like cow and goat milk, and has a significant impact on the quality and quantity, that is cheese yield, of the cheese being produced from it. Other than milk quality and quantity, the quality and yield of Pag cheese is also influenced by: the technical production procedure, cheese care, conditions during maturation, duration of maturation. The thesis will also describe the quality and yield of Pag curd. It is a soft, albumin cheese produced from whey, a byproduct in Pag cheese production. The objective of the thesis is to determine the influence of the quality of sheep milk on the quality and yield of Pag cheese and Pag curd. The samples of sheep milk were collected in Gligora cheese factory in Kolan, on the island of Pag. The samples were collected and analyzed during May and June 2015, and the analysis was conducted in the dairy’s laboratory. 20 samples of sheep milk were collected and chemical composition was determined (share of dry matter, dry matter without fat, proteins, milk fat, lactose), using the method of infrared spectrometry (IR), determining the share of milk fat by the Gerber method. Also, the acidity of milk, cheese mass and whey (pH) was determined using ionometric method and the degree of acidity of milk (oSH) using titration method. An estimation of milk adulteration was conducted by determining the density and the freezing point of milk, and daily data records were made on the quantity of milk (kg) and whey (kg) received, as well as the quantity of cheese and curd (kg) during milk processing. Based on the recorded data on the quantity of milk received, the cheese factory processes on average 1,600 kg of sheep milk a day, out of which 347 kg of Pag cheese and 1.253 kgof whey is produced daily, as well as 60.13kg of curd that is daily produced from whey. Calculating the cheese yield based on the data on the quantity of milk received and cheese produced, it has been calculated that on average 22.48 kg of Pag cheese is produced from 100 kg of sheep milk (3.11 kg is the average weight per 1 cheese), while based on the data on the quantity of whey and curd produced the yield of curd was calculated, and it has been determined that on average 5.29 kg of curd is produced from 100 kg od whey (350 g is the average weight per piece). |