Abstract | Sir iz mišine hrvatski je autohtoni tvrdi ovčji sir. Njegovo je glavno obilježje zrenje u janjećoj koži. S obzirom na to da kazein čini temelj sirne mase u koju su ugrađeni drugi spojevi, proteoliza se smatra najvažnijim procesom koji doprinosi nastajanju karakteristične teksture sira. Nadalje, proteoliza sudjeluje i u kreiranju poželjne arome sira.
Cilj je ovog rada odrediti fizikalno-kemijske, proteolitičke i teksturne promjene tijekom 30 dana zrenja sira iz mišine i povezanost fizikalno-kemijskih osobina sira s njegovim proteolitičkim i teksturnim promjenama.
Istraživanje je provedeno na deset proizvodnih serija sira proizvedenih na malom obiteljskom poljoprivrednom gospodarstvu. Iz svake serije uzeti su uzorci gruša i sira nakon 15 i 30 dana zrenja. Fizikalno-kemijske analize sira uključivale su određivanje pH-vrijednosti, suhe tvari, mliječne masti, proteina i soli. Proteolitičke promjene u siru praćene su određivanjem udjela αs1-kazeina, αs1-I-kazeina, β-kazeina, γ-kazeina, frakcije dušika topljive u vodi (WSN %TN) i 12 %-tnoj trikloroctenoj kiselini (TCA-SN %TN) u odnosu na ukupni dušik i indeksa zrenja (alfa i beta). Tekstura sira određena je testom kompresije.
Vrijeme zrenja imalo je znatan učinak na fizikalno-kemijske, proteolitičke i teksturne parametre (P<0.05, P<0.01). Udio proteina, TCA-SN %TN, indeks alfa (P<0.05), αs1-kazeina, β-kazeina, γ-kazeina i indeks beta (P<0.01) bilo je u korelaciji je s teksturom sira.
Na temelju rezultata istraživanja može se zaključiti da je proteolizavažna za postizanje željene senzorne kvalitete sira, koja se sastoji od izgleda, arome, boje, mirisa i teksture. |
Abstract (english) | Cheese in a sack is a Croatian autochthonous hard ewe's milk cheese. Its main specificity is ripening in a sack made of lamb skin. As casein forms the base of cheese structure in which other compounds are incorporated, proteolysis is considered to be the most important process which contributes to the formation of the characteristic cheese texture. Moreover, proteolysis is involved in the formation of a desirable cheese flavour.
The aim of this research was to determine physicochemical, proteolytic and textural changes over 30 days of cheese ripening, and correlations between phyiscochemical and proteolitical as well as textural changes of cheese during its ripening in a sack.
Research was conducted on 10 batches of cheese which were manufactured at a small-scale dairy farm. From each batch, samples of curd and cheese at 15 and 30 days of ripening were taken. Physicochemical analyses of cheese included determination of pH value, total solids, fat, protein and salt content. The proteolytic changes in cheese were monitored by determining the content of αs1-casein, αs1-I-casein, β-casein, γ- casein, water-soluble nitrogen fraction (WSN %TN) and 12%-trichloroacetic acid soluble nitrogen fraction (TCA-SN %TN) in the total nitrogen, and ripening indexes (alpha and betta). The cheese texture was determined by a compression test.
The time of ripening had a significant effect on the observed physicochemical, proteolytic and textural parameters (P<0.05, P<0.01). The content of protein, TCA-SN %TN, index alpha (P<0.05), αs1-casein, β-casein, γ-casein and index betta (P<0.01) correlated significantly with the cheese texture.
Proteolysis is very important for achieving the desirable sensorial quality of cheese, which consists of appearance, flavour, colour, odour and texture. |