Abstract | U današnjem globaliziranom i konkurentnom poslovnom okruženju, menadžment i marketing ključni su faktori za uspjeh malih poduzeća. U ovom se diplomskom radu istražuje važnost menadžmenta i marketinga za razvoj malih poduzeća, s naglaskom na obiteljska poljoprivredna gospodarstva. Menadžment ima ključnu ulogu u vođenju, organizaciji i nadzoru rada u malim poduzećima koja se suočavaju s mnogim izazovima poput ograničenih financijskih i ljudskih resursa, tehnoloških resursa, težeg pristupa tržištu i sl. Kroz analizu studije slučaja, istražit će se specifičnosti i izazovi s kojima se menadžment susreće te kako on utječe na razvoj poduzeća. S druge strane, marketing ima važnu ulogu u uspješnom pozicioniranju malih poduzeća na tržištu. On obuhvaća istraživanje tržišta, analizu potreba ciljane publike, razvoj marketinških strategija, promociju i izgradnju imidža. Kroz analizu marketinških aktivnosti u studiji slučaja, istražit će se kako marketing može pridonijeti razvoju poduzeća i stvaranju konkurentske prednosti. U radu će se također istražiti važnost integracije menadžmenta i marketinga u malim poduzećima te kako njihova sinergija može pridonijeti uspješnom poslovanju. Obiteljska poljoprivredna gospodarstva posebno su zanimljiva jer kombiniraju obiteljske dinamike s poslovnim izazovima, što zahtijeva posebnu prilagodbu i ravnotežu. Kroz detaljniju analizu odabranog poduzeća istražit će se kako uspješno upravljanje i strategije marketinga mogu osigurati dugoročni rast, prepoznatljivost i konkurentsku prednost. |
Abstract (english) | Nowdays, in globalized and competitive business environment, management and marketing are key factors when it comes to success of small businesses enterprise. This thesis explores just how much important are management and marketing for the development of small businesses, with a primary focus on family – owned agricultural economy. Management plays a key role in the leadership, organization, and supervision of work in small businesses that face many challenges such as limited financial and human resources as well as technological resources, more difficult market access, etc. By analyzing case study, the specificities and challenges that management faces will be studied, as well as how they impact the development of the company. On the other hand, marketing has an important role when it comes to successfully finding place for small businesses in the market. It incorporates market research, analysis of the needs of the target audience, development of marketing strategies, promotion and creating image. Throughout the analysis of marketing activities in the case study, it will be explored how marketing can contribute both to the development of the company and the creation of a competitive advantage. This thesis will explore the importance of integrating management and marketing in small businesses and how their synergy can contribute to successful business operation family – owned agricultural farms and economies are especially interesting because they combine family dynamics with business challenges, which requires special adaptation and balance. Through a more detailed analysis of the selected company, it will be explored how successful management and marketing strategies can ensure long – term growth, recognition, and competitive advantages. |