Title Važnost zemlje podrijetla proizvoda za cjenovnu osjetljivost potrošača
Title (english) The importance of country of origin for consumer price sensitivity
Author Monika Jugović
Mentor Zoran Krupka (mentor)
Committee member Zoran Krupka (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Sunčana Piri Rajh (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Sandra Horvat (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Economics and Business (Department of Marketing) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2023-07-14, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Economics Marketing
Abstract Zemlja podrijetla značajna je determinanta u kupovnom procesu, od evaluacije proizvoda do konačnog ishoda kupnje. Informacijom o zemlji podrijetla, potrošači smanjuju rizik kupovine i/ili olakšavaju odabir proizvoda kako bi smanjili potreban kognitivni napor. Pozitivne i negativne konotacije vezane za zemlju podrijetla “prelijevaju” se na formiranje stava o proizvodu. Prestiž, status, održivost, kvaliteta i povjerenje određenog proizvoda, samo su neke od pozitivnih asocijacija koje se mogu dovesti u poveznicu sa zemljom u kojoj su proizvedeni. Zemlja podrijetla tako postaje atribut koristi za potrošača, a na temelju kojeg se formira cijena proizvoda. Jedna od glavnih problematika efekta zemlje podrijetla je ekonomsko izražavanje istog. Zemlja podrijetla može biti promatrana kao atribut koristi koji utječe na spremnost potrošača na plaćanje određene razine cijene. Potrošač na individualnoj razini određuje raspon cijene koje je voljan platiti što predstavlja pojam cjenovne elastičnosti. Stoga, cilj rada je dovesti u poveznicu zemlju podrijetla i cjenovnu osjetljivost potrošača. Provedeno je istraživanje na uzorku od 101 ispitanika kojim se ispitao stav o Njemačkoj, Kini i Francuskoj te cjenovna osjetljivost, ovisno o zemlji podrijetla određenog proizvoda. Utvrđeno je da postoji poveznica između zemlje podrijetla i cjenovne osjetljivosti ispitanika. Kod proizvoda iz zemlje slabijeg imidža postojala je viša cjenovna osjetljivost. Također, ustanovljeno je da postoji razlika u cjenovnoj osjetljivosti (gledajući zemlju podrijetla) ovisno o kategoriji proizvoda, odnosno viša je u slučaju proizvoda duže trajnosti i više cijene. U konačnici, ovisno o tome kako potrošači percipiraju zemlju podrijetla, njihova cjenovna osjetljivost može se razlikovati. Stoga, potrebno je detaljnije istražiti predmetno područje kako bi se dobio uvid u važnost zemlje podrijetla za cjenovnu osjetljivost potrošača. Razumijevanjem poveznice zemlje podrijetla i cjenovne osjetljivosti, preduvjet je za pozicioniranje na međunarodnom tržištu.
Abstract (english) The country of origin is a significant determinant in the purchase process, from product evaluation to the final outcome of the purchase. With country of origin information, consumers reduce the risk of buying and/or facilitate the selection of products in order to reduce the required cognitive effort. Positive and negative connotations related to the country of origin “spill over” to form a position on the product. The prestige, status, sustainability, quality, and trust of a given product are only some of the positive associations that can be linked to the country where they were produced. Thus, the country of origin becomes an attribute of benefit to the consumer, on the basis of which the price of the product is formed. One of the main issues of the country of origin effect is the economic expression of the country of origin. The country of origin may be seen as an attribute of benefit affecting the consumer's willingness to pay a certain price level. The consumer determines, on an individual basis, the price range he is willing to pay, which is the concept of price elasticity. Therefore, the aim of the work is to link the country of origin and the price sensitivity of consumers. A survey was carried out on a sample of 102 respondents examining the position of Germany, China and France and price sensitivity, depending on the country of origin of the product. It was found that there was a link between the country of origin and the price sensitivity of the respondents. For products from a country with a lower image, there was a higher price sensitivity. It was also found that there is a difference in price sensitivity (looking at the country of origin) depending on the category of products, i.e. higher in the case of products with longer durability and higher prices. Ultimately, depending on how consumers perceive the country of origin, their price sensitivity may vary. It is therefore necessary to explore the area in question more closely in order to gain insight into the importance of the country of origin for consumer price sensitivity. Understanding the link between the country of origin and price sensitivity is a prerequisite for positioning on the international market.
zemlja podrijetla
cjenovna osjetljivost
imidž zemlje podrijetla
cjenovna elastičnost
Keywords (english)
country of origin
price sensitivity
the image of the country of origin
price elasticity
and price.
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:148:200555
Study programme Title: Business Economics Study programme type: university Study level: integrated undergraduate and graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra ekonomije (magistar/magistra ekonomije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
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Created on 2023-07-25 16:54:42