Abstract | U ovome radu se definiraju digitalna transformacija poslovanja i njezini procesi u građevinskoj industriji u Hrvatskoj, kao i razina informacijsko – komunikacijske tehnologije te analizira uspješnost digitalnih marketinških i prodajnih procesa u građevinskoj industriji. U današnjem svijetu modernih tehnologija i količine informacija, digitalna transformacija je zahvatila i građevinsku industriju, gdje su tehnologije poput dronova, senzora, automatizacije i robotike pronašla primjenu. Također su i digitalni marketinški i prodajni procesi krenuli u transformaciju dosad tradicionalnih načina oglašavanja i prodaje. Cilj rada je analiza uspješnosti digitalnih marketinških i prodajnih aktivnosti u građevinskoj industriji u Hrvatskoj, gdje se empirijskim istraživanjem anketom kod kupaca i distributera jednog građevinskog materijala, kamene vune, traže odgovori na trenutačno stanje digitalnih kanala, digitalne strategije građevinske industrije, trendovi u oglašavanju i prodaji, te daljnjim mogućnostima unapređenja procesa. Analizom je ustanovljeno da se građevinska industrija kreće u smjeru digitalnih marketinških i prodajnih aktivnosti, ne u potpunosti svi sudionici, međutim svi smatraju da je to neophodno za održivost poslovnih procesa. Kupci s druge strane traže točne, kvalitetne i lako pristupačne informacije o građevinskim proizvodima, međutim teško se odlučuju na internetsku kupovinu građevinskog materijal. Zaključno, građevinska industrija će nastaviti u smjeru digitalnih marketinških i prodajnih aktivnosti, kreirajući brendove koje će kupci prepoznati i nastavljati smanjivati prostor između odluke o kupovini online ili uživo. |
Abstract (english) | In this paper, digital transformation and its processes are described in the construction industry in Croatia, as well as the level of information-communication technology, and the paper analyzes the success of digital marketing and sales activities in the construction industry. In today's world of modern technologies and the amount of information, digital transformation has come to the construction industry as well, where technologies such as drones, sensors, automation, and robotics have found their usage. Digital marketing and sales processes have also started the transformation of, up until now, traditional marketing and sales in the construction industry. The aim of the paper is the success analysis of digital marketing and sales activities in the construction industry in Croatia, where empirical research in the form of a questionnaire will be conducted with the customers and distributors of a single construction material, stone wool, with the aim to seek answers about the current state of digital channels, digital strategies in the construction industry, trends in advertising and sales, and possible further improvements of the processes. With the conducted analysis, it has been established that the construction industry is moving towards digital marketing and sales activities, albeit not all of the organizations; however, all parties do think digital activities will be necessary for the sustainability of business processes in the future. On the other hand, the customers seek exact, qualitative, and easy-to-get information about construction materials on the internet but find it hard to complete a purchase online. Finally, the construction industry will continue to invest the time and resources in digital marketing and sales activities, creating easily recognizable brands, and try to decrease the bridge between purchasing construction materials online and offline. |