Abstract | Diplomski rad fokusiran je na istraživanje uloge generativne umjetne inteligencije (GUI) kao što je ChatGPT, u oglašivačkoj industriji, s posebnim naglaskom na njenu primjenu u kreativnim procesima. Istraživanje se bavi temom kako nove tehnologije optimiziraju zadatke, povećavaju kreativnost i učinkovitost u oglašivačkoj industriji te kako se te tehnologije prilagođavaju tržištu i njegovom ubrzanom digitalnom rastu i razvoju. Temeljeno na suvremenim istraživanjima, glavna metoda istraživanja bili su dubinski intervjui sa stručnjacima iz oglašivačke industrije koji aktivno koriste GUI. Rezultati pokazuju da GUI štedi vrijeme i resurse te potiče inovativnost. Alati poput ChatGPT- a koriste se u svim fazama kreativnog procesa, uključujući istraživanje tržišta i stvaranje novih ideja. Ograničenja istraživanja uključuju mali broj sudionika i fokus na hrvatsko tržište, što može ograničiti generalizaciju rezultata. Preporuke za menadžere su integracija GUI-a u kreativne procese, ulaganje u obuku zaposlenika i kontinuirano praćenje napretka. Zaključno, rad pruža dublji uvid u praktičnu primjenu GUI-a u oglašavanju, ističući njezine prednosti, izazove i mogućnosti za buduće inovacije. |
Abstract (english) | This thesis focuses on exploring the role of generative artificial intelligence (GAI), such as ChatGPT, in the advertising industry, with particular emphasis on its application in creative processes. The research addresses how new technologies optimize tasks, enhance creativity, and increase efficiency in the advertising industry, as well as how these technologies adapt to the market and its rapid digital growth and development. Based on contemporary research, the primary research method was in-depth interviews with experts from the advertising industry who actively use GAI. The results indicate that GAI improves content personalization, saves time and resources, and fosters innovation. Tools like ChatGPT are utilized in all phases of the creative process, including market research and the generation of new ideas. The research limitations include a small number of participants and a focus on the Croatian market, which may limit the generalization of the results. Recommendations for managers include integrating GAI into creative processes, investing in employee training, and continuously monitoring progress. In conclusion, this thesis provides deeper insights into the practical application of GAI in advertising, highlighting its advantages, challenges, and opportunities for future innovations. |