Title Analiza multinacionalnih kompanija u segmentu zdrave prehrane
Title (english) Analysis of multinational companies in the healthy eating segment
Author Ines Marković
Mentor Fran Galetić (mentor)
Committee member Maja Mihelja Žaja (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Mihovil Anđelinović (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Economics and Business (Department of Finance) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2021-09-29, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Economics Finance
Abstract Multinacionalne kompanije ključni su pokretač globalizacije jer premještaju proizvodnju u zemlje s relativno nižim jediničnim troškovima rada kako bi se povećala dobit i prinos dioničara. One, naime, potiču svjetski gospodarski razvoj te čine tržište učinkovitim. Moć multinacionalnih kompanija ubrzano se širi te ima utjecaja i kontrole nad velikim dijelom života ljudi počevši od hrane koja se konzumira pri čemu je njihov utjecaj posebice značajan u razvoju i širenju globalnog trenda zdrave prehrane. Analizom multinacionalnih kompanija u segmentu zdrave prehrane, a na primjeru globalnog lidera kompanije Herbalife Nutrition, nastoji se stoga utvrditi u kojoj mjeri iste utječu na rast i promicanje globalnog trenda zdrave prehrane, koje su pozitivne i negativne karakteristike njihova poslovanja te koji faktori potiču multinacionalne kompanije na ulaganje i poslovanje u nerazvijenim zemljama. Pozitivni utjecaji poslovanja multinacionalnih kompanija vode bržem gospodarskom rastu i razvoju ukoliko su dobro uklopljeni u ekonomsku strategiju razvoja određene zemlje. Iako utjecaj multinacionalnih kompanija na ekonomiju pojedinih zemalja zna biti vrlo značajan, odsutnost istih predstavljala bi još više izazova za njihovo gospodarstvo. Faktori koji privlače multinacionalne kompanije da svoju proizvodnju smještaju u zemlje u razvoju jesu jeftinija radna snaga, niži troškovi proizvodnje, globalizacija te potencijal vezan uz pokret izgradnje infrastrukture. Također, vlade zemalja u razvoju privlače kapital multinacionalnih kompanija u svoje države putem poticaja u vidu poreznih olakšica i subvencija. Cilj je rada kvantitativnom metodom putem anketnog upitnika ocijeniti u kojoj mjeri globalni trend zdrave prehrane utječe na prehrambene navike ljudi te utvrditi koliko su ispitanici upoznati s trendovima zdrave prehrane, konzumiraju li i u kojoj mjeri dodatke prehrani te koliko im je životni stil zdrav i aktivan. Kako bi se utvrdilo u kojoj mjeri globalni trend zdrave prehrane utječe na zdrav i aktivan način života ljudi, provedeno je istraživanje putem anketnog upitnika nad 121 ispitanikom čiji rezultati potvrđuju da velika većina ispitanika nastoji ići u korak s rastućim trendom zdrave prehrane što se očituje iz njihovih prehrambenih navika te zdravog i aktivnog načina života.
Abstract (english) Multinational companies are a key driver of globalization as they relocate production to countries with relatively lower unit labor costs to increase shareholder profits and returns. Namely, they stimulate world economic development and make the market efficient. The power of multinational companies is expanding rapidly and has an impact and control over a large part of people's lives, starting with the food consumed, and their impact is particularly significant in the development and spread of the global trend of healthy eating. By analysis of multinational companies in the segment of healthy eating, to the application of the global leader Herbalife Nutrition, therefore seeks to determine the extent to which they influence the growth and promotion of the global trend of healthy eating, what are the positive and negative characteristics of their business and what factors encourage multinational companies to invest and do business in underdeveloped countries. The positive business impacts of multinational companies lead to faster economic growth and development if they are well integrated into the economic development strategy of a particular country. Although the impact of multinational companies on the economies of individual countries can be very significant, their absence would pose even more challenges for their economy. Factors that attract multinational companies to locate their production in developing countries are cheaper labor, lower production costs, globalization and the potential associated with the infrastructure construction movement. Also, governments in developing countries attract capital from multinational companies to their countries through incentives in the form of tax breaks and subsidies. The aim of this paper is to use a quantitative method via a survey questionnaire to assess the extent to which the global trend of healthy eating affects people's eating habits and to determine how familiar respondents are with healthy eating trends, whether and to what extent they consume dietary supplements and how healthy and active their lifestyle is. In order to determine the extent to which the global trend of healthy eating affects a healthy and active lifestyle, a research was conducted thorugh a survey questionnaire over 121 respondents whose results confirm that the vast majority of respondents try to keep up with the growing trend of healthy eating which is evident from their eating habits and healthy and active lifestyle.
multinacionalne kompanije
zdrava prehrana
dodaci prehrani
Herbalife Nutrition
Keywords (english)
Multinational companies
healthy nutrition
dietary supplements
Herbalife Nutrition
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:148:336181
Study programme Title: Business Economics; specializations in: Finance, Accounting, Marketing, Organization and management, Trade, Tourism, Analysis and Business planning, Business informatics Course: Finance Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: diplomirani/a ekonomist/ekonomistica (diplomirani/a ekonomist/ekonomistica)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2021-09-29 10:43:48