Title Situacijsko vođenje generacije Z
Title (english) Situational leadership of Generation Z
Author Katarina Šinko
Mentor Ana Krajnović (mentor)
Committee member Ana Krajnović (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Domagoj Hruška (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Mislav Ante Omazić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Economics and Business (Department of Organization and Management) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2022-07-11, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Economics Organization and Management
Abstract Karakteristike određene generacije, kao i pojedinaca ukazuju na put kojim se žele kretati unutar poduzeća kako bi im dobar vođa omogućio rast i razvoj te ih zadržao, a da pritom ne umanjuje vrijednost ostalih članova tima ili organizacije. Balansiranje između prethodno navedenog te prilagođavanje vodstva ovisno o situaciji, gledajući zaposlenika i zadatak, glavni su izazov današnjih vođa.
Prilagodba stila vođenja sukladno kompetencijama i predanosti svojih suradnika, odnosno
odabir stil vođenja koji je prikladan situaciji, naziva se situacijsko vodstvo. Dosadašnja istraživanja sugeriraju kako vođe koji svoje stilove vođenja prilagođavaju situacijama ovisno o generacijskim preferencijama u svom timu imaju veću vjerojatnost da će to pozitivno utjecati na rješavanje zadataka i uspjeh rada tima.
Cilj ovog diplomskog rada je ispitati preferencije pripadnika generacije Z prema situacijskom vodstvu. Zbog svoje dobi, generacija Z, kao najmlađa na tržištu rada je ambiciozna, agilna i entuzijastična. Poslodavci moraju razumjeti ponašanje i sklonosti generacije koja puno očekuje od svog poslodavca i preferira fleksibilniji pristup vodstva od strane nadređenih. Poslodavci kao veliku prednost generacije Z ističu komunikaciju. Glasni su, direktni i ne boje se iskazati svoja mišljenja i stavove. Pod tim pretpostavkama rad je usmjeren na analizu stava generacije Z prema korištenju četiri stila situacijskog vodstva od strane njihovih
Stručni doprinos ovog rada bit će vidljiv kroz bolje razumijevanje situacijskog vodstva i njegovu primjenu danas kod pripadnika generacije Z.
Empirijsko istraživanje provedeno je prilagođenim upitnikom Hersey i Blanchard, Situational Leadership Style Summary/ Self Assessment kako bi ga ispunjavali pripadnici generacije Z gdje ih se pitalo koliko su im privlačna pojedina obilježja situacijskih stilova koje upitnik navodi. Upitnik su ispunjavali pripadnici Generacije Z, studenti te oni u stalnom radnom odnosu unutar velike telekomunikacijske korporacije u Republici Hrvatskoj.
Abstract (english) The characteristics of a certain generation, as well as individuals, indicate the path they want to take within the company so that a good leader can enable them to grow and develop and keep them, without diminishing the value of other team members or organizations. Balancing between the above and adjusting leadership depending on the situation looking at the employee and the task is the main challenge of today’s leaders.
Adjusting the leadership style in accordance with the competencies and dedications of their associates, choosing a leadership style that is appropriate to the situation, is called situational leadership. Research to date suggests that leaders who adapt their styles to situations depending on generational preferences in their time are more likely to have a positive impact on task solving and team success.
The aim of this thesis is to examine the preferences of members of Generation Z towards situational leadership. Because of their age, Generation Z, as the youngest in the job market, is ambitious, agile and enthusiastic. Employers need to understand the behavior and preferences of a generation that expects a lot from their employer and prefers a more flexible approach to leadership by superiors.
Employers point out communication as a great advantage of generation Z. They are loud, direct and not afraid to express their opinions and views. Under these assumptions, the paper focuses on the analysis of Generation Z's attitude towards the use of four styles of situational leadership by their superiors.
The professional contribution of this paper will be visible through a better understanding of situational leadership and its application today among members of Generation Z.
The empirical research was conducted with a customized Hersey and Blanchard questionnaire, Situational Leadership Style Summary / Self Assessment to be completed by Generation Z members where they were asked how attractive they were to certain characteristics of the situational styles listed in the questionnaire. The questionnaire was filled out by members of Generation Z, students and those in permanent employment within large telecommunications corporations in the Republic of Croatia.
situacijsko vodstvo
četiri stila situacijskog vodstva
Generacija Z
Keywords (english)
situational leadership
four styles of situational leadership
Generation Z
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:148:072983
Study programme Title: Business Economics Study programme type: university Study level: integrated undergraduate and graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra ekonomije (magistar/magistra ekonomije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
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Created on 2022-08-29 06:42:46