Title Perspektiva korisnika o učinkovitosti programa Pomagači u obitelji
Title (english) Beneficiaries perspective on effectivness of program Helpers in the Family
Author Jasenka Kuburaš
Mentor Nivex Koller-Trbović (mentor)
Committee member Nivex Koller-Trbović (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Antonija Žižak (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Ivana Maurović (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Education and Rehabilitation Sciences Zagreb
Defense date and country 2016-09-20, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Education/Rehabilitation Sciences
Abstract U ovom su radu predstavljeni rezultati istraživanja perspektive korisnika o učinkovitosti
programa Pomagači u okružju obitelji. Program je u suradnji sa Centrom za socijalnu skrb
provela udruga Ambidekster klub u sklopu projekta Zajedno možemo više – pojedinac u
fokusu. Namijenjen je osnaživanju obitelji s djecom koje se susreću s intenzivnijim rizikom u
odgoju i obiteljskom funkcioniranju.
Cilj istraživanja je ispitati očekivanja i doživljaj programa od strane korisnika, eventualne
dobiti, slabosti te preporuke za njegovo poboljšanje. Svrha istraživanja je evaluacija programa
te osmišljavanje smjernica za poboljšanje postojećeg i kreiranje novih programa koji su
namijenjeni obiteljima.
U navedenom je programu sudjelovalo 22 obitelji, a s njih 20 su provedeni polustrukturirani
(grupni i individualni) intervjui. Podaci dobiveni intervjuima su obrađeni kvalitativnom
tematskom analizom.
Teme koje su proizašle iz kvalitativne analize su: razlozi uključivanja obitelji u program,
očekivanja od programa, pozitivan i negativan doživljaj programa, slabosti programa te
prijedlozi za njegovo poboljšanje.
U odnosu na temu razlog uključivanja obitelji u program moguće je zaključiti da je riječ o
multiproblemskim obiteljima koje su bile ciljane programom. U odnosu na temu očekivanja
od programa prisutan je kontinnum od niskih do visokih očekivanja, a većinom su u vezi s
prethodnim iskustvima sa stručnjacima. Pozitivnom doživljaju programa doprinose vrlo jasna
obilježja i elementi učinkovitih programa: kompetentni i zainteresirani stručnjaci, uvažavanje
korisnika, dostupnost stručnjaka, jasna struktura i primjereni sadržaji i metode rada,
orijentacija na potrebe korisnika te korisnost programa za sudionike. Negativan doživljaj
programa se pojavljuje kao izdvojena perspektiva kroz neispunjena očekivanja i
nezadovoljstvo učincima programa.
Sudionici kao slabost programa prepoznaju neuključivanje svih, posebno rizičnih članova
obitelji te prekratko trajanje programa. Gotovo svi sudionici nezadovoljstvo trajanjem i
intenzitetom programa povezuju sa strahom od vlastite nekompetentnosti i povratka
problema. Iz toga proizlaze prijedlozi za poboljšanje u obliku duljeg trajanja programa te
uključivanja osoba iz šire socijalne mreže.
Analizom podataka istraživačica prepoznaje potrebu bolje informiranosti budućih sudionika
oko programa, ali i više participativnog rada s obiteljima u cilju boljeg razumijevanja
programa i vlastite uloge u njemu.
Abstract (english) This paper presents the results of the research beneficiaries perspective on the effectiveness of
the program Helpers in the family. The program was conducted by Ambidekster club in
collaboration with the Social care centre within the project Together we can do more -
individual in focus. It is intended for the strengthening of families with children who are faced
with intense risk in upbringing and family functioning.
The goal of the research is to examine expectations, potential gains, weaknesses of the
program and recommendations for its improvement. The purpose of the research is to evaluate
the program, create guidelines to improve existing and create new programs for families.
This program included 22 families, and with 20 families were conducted semi-structured
(group and individual) interviews. Data obtained through interviews were analyzed with
qualitative thematic analysis.
Themes that emerged from the qualitative analysis are: reasons for inclusion families in the
program, the expectations of the program, both positive and negative experience of the
program, the weaknesses of the program and proposals for its improvement.
In relation to the theme reasons for inclusion families in the program it is possible to
conclude that multi - problem families were targeted with this program. In relation to the topic
of the expectations of the program there is a continuum from low to high expectations, mostly
related to previous experiences with experts. The positive experience of the program
contribute to very clear characteristics and elements of effective programs such as competent
and interested experts, availability of experts, clear structure and appropriate methods, focus
on users needs and utility of the program for participants. The negative experience of the
program appears as an isolated perspective through unfulfilled expectations and
dissatisfaction with the effects of the program.
As a weakness of the program participants recognize the non-inclusion of all, particularly the
risky family members and the short duration of the program. Almost all participants
dissatisfaction with duration and intensity of the program associate with the fear of their own
incompetence and return of the problems. The resulting proposals for improvement are
extended duration of the program and the inclusion of people from the wider social network.
Analysing data researcher recognizes the need for better informing future participants about
the program, but also more participatory work with families in order to better understanding
the program and their own role in it.
perspektiva korisnika
učinkovitost programa
Pomagači u okružju obitelji
Keywords (english)
beneficiaries perspective
effectiveness of program
Helpers in the family
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:158:562941
Study programme Title: Social Pedagogy Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra socijalne pedagogije (magistar/magistra socijalne pedagogije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2016-12-12 12:10:03