Abstract | Cilj istraživanja je ispitati preferirani stil učenja učenika s Down sindromom te dobiti uvid u perspektivu učenika, u odnosu na poimanje učenja i na njihov stil učenja – na sadržaje učenja za koje pokazuju osobit interes, aktivnosti poučavanja i didaktičko - metodička sredstva učenja koja preferiraju, kako bi se definirale smjernice za učinkovitije poučavanje.
Sudionici istraživanja desetero je djece i mladih s Down sindromom, članova Udruge za sindrom Down Zagreb. U istraživanju je primijenjen Opći upitnik, osmišljen za potrebe ovog istraživanja, slikovna verzija Upitnika o stilovima učenja-procjena učenika, autorskog tima Stančić, Ivančan, Periša, Vučić-Pavlaković i Dobrić-Fajl (2005) te polustrukturirani dijadni intervju. S obzirom na cilj istraživanja i postavljena istraživačka pitanja, u ovom je istraživanju korištena je kombinacija kvantitativnog i kvalitativnog pristupa prikupljanju podataka. Nalazi ovog istraživanja ukazuju da sudionici u najvećoj mjeri preferiraju vizualni stil učenja, što je sukladno većini istraživanja (Faragher i sur., 2008, Bird, Buckley, 2011, Cologon, 2013, Alfaraj, Kuyini, 2014, Ivic, 2016). Osobe lakše i učinkovitije uče kada uvjeti učenja i poučavanja odgovaraju njihovom preferiranom stilu učenja (Leopold, 2012, Andreou, Valchos, 2013, Gholami, Bagheri, 2013, Sreenidhi, Tay, 2017). U tu svrhu, sudionici su aktivno sudjelovali u kreiranju smjernica za učinkovitije poučavanje. Upravo su te praktične smjernice ključan nalaz ovog istraživanja koji učiteljima i djelatnicima Udruge mogu služiti kao nit vodilja u radu sa sudionicima. |
Abstract (english) | The aim of this research paper is to gauge the preferred learning style in students with Down syndrome and to gain an insight into the students' perspective, regarding their understanding of the learning process and style, focusing on content for which they show the greatest interest, on teaching activities and the didactical and methodical learning aids which they prefer, so as to define further guidelines for more effective teaching.
The research participants are ten children and youth with Down syndrome, members of the Down syndrome association of Zagreb. A General questionnaire was used for this research, designed specifically for this research, along with a graphic version of the Learning style questionnaire – student’s assessment, authored by Stančić, Ivančan, Periša, Vučić-Pavlaković and Dobrić-Fajl (2005) and also a semi-structured dyadic interview. Regarding the aim of this research and its standing questions, a combination of quantitative and qualitative approach to obtaining data was used herein. The results of the research point to a conclusion that most participants preferred the visual learning style, in concurrence with other research regarding this topic (Faragher et al., 2008, Bird, Buckley, 2011, Cologon, 2013, Alfaraj, Kuyini, 2014, Ivic, 2016). Individuals learn more effectively and find the process easier when the conditions of learning and teaching are suited to their preferred learning style (Leopold, 2012, Andreou, Valchos, 2013, Gholami, Bagheri, 2013, Sreenidhi, Tay, 2017). For this purpose, the participants were actively involved in creating the guidelines for more effective teaching. It is these practical guidelines that are the key finding of this research, which can offer a pathway in creating methods for working with students, for the teachers and associates of the aforementioned Association. |