Title Značaj supervizije u radu edukacijskih rehabilitatora
Title (english) The importance of supervision in the work of Educational Rehabilitation experts
Author Nikolina Majdak
Mentor Daniela Cvitković (mentor)
Committee member Daniela Cvitković (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Ana Wagner Jakab (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Jasmina Stošić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Education and Rehabilitation Sciences Zagreb
Defense date and country 2020-09-17, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Education/Rehabilitation Sciences
Abstract Cilj je kvantitativnog istraživanja u sklopu ovog rada dobiti uvid u značaj supervizije u radu edukacijskih rehabilitatora. Iz postavljenog cilja proizašli su problemi istraživanja: utvrditi izvore stresa kod edukacijskih rehabilitatora, utvrditi dosadašnje iskustvo i trenutnu uključenost u superviziju, utvrditi motivaciju za uključivanje u superviziju te aspekte koristi od supervizije za edukacijske rehabilitatore. Istraživanje je provedeno elektronskim putem, anketnim online upitnikom u kojem je sudjelovalo 120 magistara edukacijske rehabilitacije na području Republike Hrvatske. U okviru deskriptivnog znanstveno-istraživačkog pristupa prikupljeni su: pokazatelji izvora stresa, prepoznatljivost supervizije, organizacijski aspekti koji utječu na motivaciju za uključivanje u superviziju te procijenjeni aspekti koristi od supervizije od strane edukacijskih rehabilitatora. Kao izvori stresa u najvećoj mjeri kod edukacijskih rehabilitatora prisutni su: opterećenost administrativnim poslovima, karakteristike radnih zadataka te nedostatak podrške. Prema dobivenim rezultatima, 52,5% sudionika (N=63) imalo je općenito iskustvo supervizije, ali je samo 26,7% (N=32) imalo iskustvo razvojno-integrativne supervizije. Što se tiče organizacijskih aspekata uključivanja u superviziju, 71,7% sudionika (N=86) spremno je odvojiti vlastito slobodno vrijeme za pohađanje supervizije, 49,2% sudionika (N=59) spremno je putovati i pohađati superviziju izvan mjesta njihova stanovanja dok je 33,3% (N=40) sudionika spremno snositi samostalno troškove. Sudionici istraživanja najviše procjenjuju korist od supervizije u vidu razgovora o izazovima i problemima s kojima se susreću u svome profesionalnome radu, dobivanju savjetodavne pomoći u razjašnjavanju profesionalnih dilema te dobivanju informacija i načina kako poboljšati vlastitu kvalitetu rada. Dobiveni rezultati mogu poslužiti kao poticaj za daljnja i detaljnija istraživanja te širenje svijesti o važnosti uključivanja edukacijskih rehabilitatora u različite oblike profesionalne podrške, od kojih se posebno ističe supervizija.
Abstract (english) The aim of the quantitative research presented in this paper is to analyze the importance of supervision in the work of educational rehabilitation experts. From the set goal, research problems were defined: to determine the sources of stress in educational rehabilitation experts, to determine previous experience and current involvement in supervision, to determine the motivation for involvement in supervision and benefits for educational rehabilitation experts from supervision. The research was conducted electronically through an online survey questionnaire in which 120 Croatian educational rehabilitation experts with a master’s degree took part. Within the descriptive scientific-research approach, indicators of sources of stress, recognition of supervision, organizational aspects that affect the motivation to engage in supervision and assessed aspects of the benefits of supervision by educational rehabilitation experts were collected. The greatest sources of stress in educational rehabilitation experts are: administrative workload, the characteristics of work tasks and lack of support. According to the obtained results, 52.5% of participants (N=63) had a general experience of supervision, but only 26.7% (N=32) had an experience of the integrative developmental model of supervision. Regarding the organizational aspects of involvement in supervision, 71.7% of participants (N=86) are willing to set aside their own free time to attend supervision, 49.2% of participants (N=59) are willing to travel and attend supervision outside their place of residence while 33.3% (N=40) of participants are willing to cover the costs themselves. Research participants highly appreciate the benefits of supervision in the form of discussing the challenges and problems they face in their professional work, obtaining counseling assistance in clarifying professional dilemmas and obtaining information and ways to improve their own quality of work. The results obtained by the research can serve as an incentive for further and more detailed research and for spreading awareness of the importance of including educational rehabilitation experts in various forms of professional support, out of which supervision stands out most.
supervizija psihosocijalnog rada
razvojno-integrativna supervizija
edukacijski rehabilitator
profesionalni stres
Keywords (english)
supervision of psychosocial work
the integrative developmental model of supervision
educational rehabilitation expert
occupational stress
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:158:297273
Study programme Title: Graduate study of Educational Rehabilitation Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra edukacijske rehabilitacije (magistar/magistra edukacijske rehabilitacije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access Embargo expiration date: 2021-03-17
Terms of use
Created on 2020-11-11 09:41:13