Title Živuće životinje u muzejima
Title (english) Living animals in museums
Author Vanessa Požežanac
Mentor Helena Stublić (mentor)
Committee member Željka Miklošević (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Darko Babić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Helena Stublić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences (Department of information and Communication sciences) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2023-02-24, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Information and Communication Sciences Museology
Abstract Jest da se u određenim muzejima poput Prirodoslovnih muzeja širom svijeta već stoljećima može vidjeti bioraznolikost i raskoš prepariranih životinja. Neki muzeji su se odlučili otići u novom smjeru, te su svoja vrata i prostore otvorili živućim životinjama koje će posjetiteljima priuštiti dodatno iskustvo u razgledavanju izložaba ili će muzejskom osoblju biti od pomoći. Uz izlaganje živućih životinja u svojim privremenim ili stalnim postavima muzeja, neki od muzeja i srodnih institucija su se pak odlučili iskoristiti sposobnosti životinja u očuvanju muzejskih izložaka, te su njihovi posebni „zaposlenici“ tako postali dio muzejskog osoblja i služe kao dodatan oblik očuvanja i konzervacije predmeta. Sve navedeno kao i potkrijepljeno primjerima pobliže je analizirano u ovom radu. Ovaj diplomski rad napisan je s ciljem povećavanja svijesti o životinjama koji su dio našeg ekosustava, te njihovoj dobrobiti za ljude u raznim aspektima. Posebna pažnja je posvećena živućim životinjama koje u muzeju stalno obitavaju, kao i povremenim posjetima kućnih ljubimaca, kojima je donedavno pristup bio u potpunosti zabranjen. Potrebe posjetitelja se s vremenom mijenjaju, a muzej je taj koji treba osluškivati njihove potrebe, te u skladu s time prigrliti nove pristupe. Ponajviše radi ljudi čija se svijest lagano mijenja, te sve više teže povezivanju s prirodom, ali i digitalizacije i moderne tehnologije zbog kojih posjet muzeju ponekad nije niti potreban.
Abstract (english) Given that in certain museums, such as Natural history museums around the world, biodiversity and stuffed animals can be seen for centuries, some museums decided to go in a new and different direction and have opened their doors and spaces to living animals. Temporary or permanently residing in the museum, they offer visitors a different experience in viewing exhibitions or are helpful to the museum staff. In addition to displaying live animals in their temporary or permanent museum settings, some museums and related institutions have decided to use the abilities of animals in the preservation of museum exhibits. In contrast their special "employees" have become part of the museum staff, thus they serve as an additional form of preservation and conservation of museum objects. Everything mentioned, as well as supported by examples, is analyzed in more detail in this paper. This graduation thesis was written to increase awareness of animals that are part of our ecosystem and their welfare for people in various aspects. Special attention is given to living animals that live in the museum daily or are temporarily shown as part of an exhibition. As well as to temporary visits by pets, which until recently, access was utterly prohibited. The needs of visitors change over time, so the museum is the one that should listen to their needs and accordingly embrace new approaches; due to digitization and more modern technology, a visit to the museum is sometimes not even necessary, but also because of a change in the consciousness of people who strive to connect with nature.
zaštita muzejske građe
privremene izložbe živih životinja
pet friendly
prilagođen kućnim ljubimcima
Muzej Ermitaž
Knjižnica Joanina
knjižnica u Mafri
Muzej grada Zagreba
Etnografski muzej
Gradski muzej Vinkovci
Prirodoslovni muzeji
živuće životinje u muzejima
životinje u baštinskim institucijama
Keywords (english)
museum conservation
temporary exhibitions of live animals
Hermitage Museum
Joanina Library
Mafra Library
Zagreb City Museum
Ethnographic Museum
Vinkovci City Museum
Natural History Museums
living animals in museums
animals in heritage institutions
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:131:578552
Study programme Title: Information Sciences; specializations in: Archivistics Study, Library Science, Information Sciences (research), Information Sciences (teaching), Museology and heritage management, Informatology Course: Museology and heritage management Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra muzeologije i upravljanja baštinom (magistar/magistra muzeologije i upravljanja baštinom)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2023-03-08 12:17:46