Title Austrijske knjižnice u Hrvatskoj
Title (english) Austrian libraries in Croatia
Title (german) Österreich-Bibliotheken in Kroatien
Author Ana Kužnar
Mentor Ana Barbarić (mentor)
Committee member Ivana Hebrang Grgić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Tomislav Ivanjko (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Ana Barbarić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences (Department of information and Communication sciences) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2023-06-19, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Information and Communication Sciences Library Science
Abstract Ovaj diplomski rad proučavat će četiri Austrijske knjižnice (njem. Österreich-Bibliotheken) koje djeluju u Hrvatskoj. To su Austrijska čitaonica u Osijeku, Austrijska knjižnica u Rijeci, Austrijska knjižnica u Zadru, Austrijska knjižnica u Zagrebu. Uz Austrijske knjižnice u Hrvatskoj, rad će u uvodnom dijelu predstaviti povijest i razvoj Austrijskih knjižnica u inozemstvu, njihovu rasprostranjenost te ulogu i djelovanje danas. Austrijske će knjižnice u Hrvatskoj ponajprije biti istraživane u kontekstu pravnih propisa u području hrvatskog knjižničarstva. Rad će se zatim baviti istraživanjem osnutka i razvoja Austrijskih knjižnica u Hrvatskoj te njihovom djelatnošću danas. Uz njihove djelatnosti i zadaće, interes je i na modelima njihova financiranja te na načinima nabave. Uz navedeno, rad sadrži kvantitativno istraživanje djelatnosti hrvatskih Austrijskih knjižnica, a u svrhu analize korištena su godišnja izvješća o njihovom radu iz proteklih šest godina, točnije, od 2017. do 2022. godine. U sklopu istraživanja bit će prikazana kvantiteta fonda i raznovrsnost građe. Svrha je također prikazati u kojoj se mjeri građa posuđuje te koliko se frekventno usluge Austrijskih knjižnica u Hrvatskoj koriste. Također će biti analizirana događanja i vrste događanja koje hrvatske Austrijske knjižnice provode. Posljednje će poglavlje prikazati utjecaj pandemije koronavirusa i potresa u Zagrebu na rad i poslovanje Austrijskih knjižnica u Hrvatskoj.
Abstract (english) This master’s thesis will study the four Austrian libraries (Germ. Österreich-Bibliotheken) in Croatia – the Austrian Library in Osijek, the Austrian Library in Rijeka, the Austrian Library in Zadar and the Austrian Library in Zagreb. In addition to the Austrian libraries in Croatia, the introductory part of the paper will provide an overview of the history and development of the Austrian libraries abroad, their locations and their present roles and activities. The Austrian libraries in Croatia will primarily be researched in the context of legal regulations of the Croatian librarianship. Subsequently, the paper will explore the foundation and development of the Austrian libraries in Croatia and their present activities. Apart from their activities and roles, the paper will also focus on their financing sources and procurement methods. Furthermore, the paper contains quantitative research of activities of the Austrian libraries in Croatia. Annual reports from the last six years were used for the purpose of the analysis, more specifically from 2017 to 2022. As part of the research, the paper will present the quantity of the library holdings and their diversity. The aim is to show the extent to which the library materials are being borrowed and how frequently the services of the Austrian libraries in Croatia are being used. Furthermore, the events and the types of events held by the Austrian libraries in Croatia will be analyzed. The final part will show the impact that the COVID-19 pandemic and the earthquake in Zagreb had on the Austrian libraries in Croatia.
Abstract (german) In dieser Arbeit werden vier Österreich-Bibliotheken, die in Kroatien tätig sind, untersucht. Es handelt sich um die Österreich-Bibliothek Osijek, die Österreich-Bibliothek Rijeka, die Österreich-Bibliothek Zadar und die Österreich-Bibliothek Zagreb. Der erste Teil der Arbeit behandelt die Geschichte der Österreich-Bibliotheken im Ausland, ihre Standorte und ihre heutige Rolle. Im nächsten Kapitel werden die Österreich-Bibliotheken in Kroatien genauer betrachtet. Zunächst werden sie im Kontext der kroatischen Bibliotheksgesetzgebung erforscht. Anschließend werden die Gründung und Entwicklung der Österreich-Bibliotheken in Kroatien beleuchtet, wobei auch die angebotenen Bibliotheksdienste und Aktivitäten beschrieben werden. Im folgenden Teil der Arbeit werden die Finanzierungsmethoden und Beschaffungswege dargestellt. Um die Rolle der kroatischen Österreich-Bibliotheken genauer zu untersuchen, wird eine quantitative Forschung durchgeführt. Zur Analyse werden Jahresberichte aus den letzten sechs Jahren (von 2017 bis 2022) herangezogen. Im Rahmen dieser Forschung werden der Bestand der Bibliotheken und die Vielfalt der Medien präsentiert und analysiert. Das Ziel besteht auch darin, festzustellen, in welchem Umfang Medien entliehen werden und wie häufig die Österreich-Bibliotheken in Kroatien besucht werden. Dabei werden auch die Veranstaltungen, die von den kroatischen Österreich-Bibliotheken durchgeführt werden, untersucht. Im letzten Kapitel werden die Folgen der Coronavirus-Pandemie und des Erdbebens in Zagreb auf die Aktivitäten der Österreich-Bibliotheken in Kroatien dargestellt.
Austrijske knjižnice
Austrijska čitaonica u Osijeku
Austrijska knjižnica u Rijeci
Austrijska knjižnica u Zadru
Austrijska knjižnica u Zagrebu
Keywords (english)
The Austrian Libraries
Austrian Library in Osijek
Austrian Library in Rijeka
Austrian Library in Zadar
Austrian Library in Zagreb
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:131:654901
Study programme Title: Information Sciences; specializations in: Archivistics Study, Library Science, Information Sciences (research), Information Sciences (teaching), Museology and heritage management, Informatology Course: Library Science Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra bibliotekarstva (magistar/magistra bibliotekarstva)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2023-06-27 14:32:54