Abstract | In the last decade, CAT (Computer Assisted Translation) tools have become irreplaceable within the profession of translation. This is true because CAT tools make translation faster and easier, with features such as the use of termbases and translation memories, segmenting of the source text, quality assurance, etc. Bearing in mind the importance of CAT tools, implementing the teaching of CAT tools in the education of future translators is crucial. However, there are so many CAT tools that it would be virtually impossible to cover all of them during their education. Additionally, CAT tools constantly evolve, introduce new features and their updated versions. Some studies (e.g., Nunes Vieira, Zhang and Yu 2021) have shown that students can translate in CAT tools without any previous knowledge, and suggest it might be even easier for them to use one CAT tool if they had previous experience with a similar CAT tool. For that reason, this study examines the extent to which these skills are transferred. To do this, two groups of participants were compared – one group with previous experience with CAT tools, and the other group with no previous experience with CAT tools. Participants were asked to translate a short text in RWS Trados Studio, screen record their translation process, and time themselves. MA Translation students with prior experience with CAT tools were expected to be more successful in using an unfamiliar CAT tool without instruction or demonstration than MA English students with no prior experience with CAT tools. After they were done with the translation task, participants were also asked to write about their experiences and impressions in a questionnaire. Their answers were analyzed to get a more complete impression of their experience with RWS Trados Studio. The results suggest that CAT tool skills might be transferrable, but that more than a superficial knowledge of the initial tool may be required to make a difference. It is hoped that this study will encourage translation teachers to provide opportunities for students to gain mastery over at least one CAT tool to facilitate their future employment. |
Abstract (croatian) | U posljednjih su desetak godina CAT (Computer Assisted Translation – strojno potpomognuto prevođenje) alati postali neizostavni u prevoditeljskoj profesiji. Svojim brojnim mogućnostima poput upotrebe prevoditeljskih memorija, terminoloških baza, segmentiranja izvornog teksta i upozoravanja korisnika o raznim vrstama pogrešaka uvelike olakšavaju i ubrzavaju proces prevođenja. Budući da je upotreba CAT alata toliko raširena, logično je se poučavanje CAT alata uvede u obrazovanje budućih prevoditelja. No takvih je alata mnogo, a zbog ograničenog vremena nije moguće naučiti ih sve tijekom studija. Valja spomenuti da se ti alati konstantno mijenjaju, uvode nove mogućnosti i nove verzije. Neka istraživanja poput 'Click Next': On the Merits of More Student Autonomy and Less Direct Instruction in CAT Teaching (Nunes Vieira, Zhang i Yu 2021) pokazala su da studenti mogu samostalno savladati CAT alat te ukazuju na to da bi im možda moglo biti lakše ako su se već upoznali s takvim sličnim alatom. Zbog toga je autorica odlučila ispitati u kojoj mjeri dolazi do prijenosa tih vještina. S tim su ciljem uspoređene dvije grupe studenata – jedna grupa bez prethodnog iskustva s CAT alatima i jedna grupa bez ikakvog prethodnog iskustva s CAT alatima. Sudionici su dobili zadatak prevesti kratak tekst u RWS Trados Studiju te tijekom prevođenja snimati svoj zaslon i izmjeriti si vrijeme potrebno za izvršenje zadatka. Očekivalo se da će studenti prevoditeljstva s prethodnim iskustvom s CAT alatima uspješnije koristiti nepoznati CAT alat bez uputa ili demonstracija od studenata koji nemaju prethodnih iskustava s CAT alatima. Sudionici su nakon zadatka putem ankete obrazložiti svoja iskustva i dojmove te su njihovi odgovori analizirani kako bi se dobio potpuniji dojam o RWS Trados Studiju. Krajnji je cilj ovog istraživanja dokazati postoji li prijenos vještina te, ukoliko postoji, time potaknuti nastavnike prevoditeljskih smjerova da uvrste barem jedan CAT alata u svoju nastavu kako bi svojim studentima i njihovim budućim poslodavcima olakšali zapošljavanje. |