Abstract | Posebnost i tajna danskog odgoja nalazi se unutar akronima P.A.R.E.N.T. čija početna slova označavaju sljedeće pojmove: igra, autentičnost, preoblikovanje, empatija, bez ultimatuma, zajedništvo i hygge. Osim po svom odgoju zbog kojeg djeca izrastaju u sretne i zadovoljne ljude, Danci su poznati i po šumskim vrtićima gdje boravkom vani djeca razvijaju kognitivne, fizičke, socijalne, jezične i emocionalne kompetencije te također stvaraju imunitet. Igra je važan dio danske teorije odgoja i jedna od temeljnih postavki samog kurikuluma koja predstavlja potpuno spontanu i karakterističnu aktivnost djeteta koju ono odabire samo. Njena biološka svrha je pripremiti dijete na život kroz spoznajni, tjelesni, emocionalni i društveni razvoj. Igra je najprirodniji način učenja djeteta pa ju je važno podržavati emocionalnom podrškom i poticajnim okruženjem te poznavanjem i razumijevanjem strukture i različitih vrsta igre. |
Abstract (english) | The uniqueness and secret of Danish education can be found within the acronym P.A.R.E.N.T., where each letter represents the following concepts: play, authenticity, reframing, empathy, no ultimatums, togetherness. Besides their education which contributes to children growing up as happy and content individuals, Danes are also known for their forest schools. Through outdoor activities in these schools (kindergartens), children develop cognitive, physical, social, linguistic, and emotional competencies, while also building immunity. Play is an essential part of Danish educational theory and a common pedagogical foundation of the curriculum itself. It represents a completely spontaneous and characteristic activity chosen by the child alone. Its biological purpose is to prepare the child for life through cognitive, physical, emotional, and social development. Play is the most natural way for a child to learn, so it is important to support it through emotional encouragement, a stimulating environment, and an understanding of its structure and its various types. |