Abstract | Poznavanje biljaka i životinja neophodno je za poučavanje nastave Prirode i društva. Ovim istraživanjem željelo se saznati koliko studenti Fakulteta za odgojne i obrazovne znanosti poznaju biljke i životinje koje se poučavaju u razrednoj nastavi. Danas studenti nemaju dovoljno izravnog kontakta s biljkama i životinjama što se odražava na njihovo iskustvo. Nas okružuje bogata priroda i često se događa da ne znamo imenovati nešto što viđamo svakodnevno. Cilj istraživanja bio je doznati imaju li studenti potrebna i dovoljna znanja o biljkama i životinjama za poučavanje predmeta Prirode i društva. Sudionici istraživanja su studenti 3.,4. i 5. godine Fakulteta za odgojne i obrazovne znanosti u Osijeku i studenti 3., 4. i 5. godine dislociranog studija u Slavonskom Brodu. U istraživanju je ukupno sudjelovalo 225 studenata, oba spola (M = 6,22%, Ž = 93,78%). Studenata treće godine bilo je 94, četvrte godine 74, a pete godine 57. Sudionici su u prvom dijelu istraživanja trebali prepoznati četrdeset biljaka (cvjetova, drveća, povrća, voća, grmova, trava). Također, morali su prepoznati dvadeset životinja, divljih i domaćih. Rezultati istraživanja pokazali su da sudionici imaju površno znanje o biljkama čak i o onima koje svakodnevno viđaju. Sudionici su lakše prepoznali i imenovali životinje nego biljke. Drugi dio sadržavao je osobne podatke iz života te se sastojao od 30 pitanja. Prva tri pitanja bila su napisati spol, godinu studija i srednju školu. Na 16 pitanja sudionici su odgovarali na temelju dvostrukog izbora odgovora (DA ili NE). Za posljednjih 11 pitanja morali su zaokružiti broj na skali procjene (1 – nikada, 2 – ponekad, 3 – više puta, 4 – često). U sljedećem dijelu istraživanja sudionici su odgovarali na pitanja vezana za njihovo iskustvo u prirodi i posjećivanje iste. U posljednjem, trećem, dijelu istraživanja željelo se provjeriti znanje i iskustvo sudionika koje su stekli tijekom studiranja. Za potrebe istraživanja sastavljena je anketa koja se sastojala od 30 pitanja. Sudionici su trebali procijeniti slaganje s navedenim tvrdnjama na skali od 1 do 4 gdje 1 – uopće se ne slažem se, 2 – uglavnom se ne slažem, 3 – uglavnom se slažem, 4 – potpuno se slažem. |
Abstract (english) | Knowledge related to plants and animals is essential for teaching Science. The aim of the research was to find out how much the students of the Faculty of Education know about plants and animals that are taught in class. Nowadays, students have insufficient contact with plants and animals, which reflects on their knowledge. People are surrounded by rich nature and it often happens that they can’t recognize a plant or an animal that they see every day. The aim of the research was to find out whether students have the necessary and sufficient knowledge of plants and animals to teach Science. The participants in the research are students of the 3rd, 4th and 5th year of the Faculty of Education in Osijek and students of the 3rd, 4th and 5th year of Faculty of Education in Slavonski Brod. A total of 225 students, both sexes, participated in the study (M = 6.22%, F = 93.78%). There were 94 students of third year, 74 of fourth year, and 57 of fifth year. Forty plants (flowers, trees, vegetables, fruits, shrubs, grasses) were identified in the first part of the study. Additionally, they had to identify twenty animals, both wild and domestic. The results of the study showed that the participants had a cursory knowledge of the plants, even those they see daily. Participants identified and named animals more easily than plants. The second part contained personal information and was consisted of 30 questions. The first three questions were related to the gender, year of the study and high school. Participants answered 16 YES or NO questions. For the last 11 questions, they had to circle the number on the 4 point rating scale (1 - never, 2 - sometimes, 3 - multiple times, 4 - often). In the next part of the research, participants answered questions related to their experiences in nature. In the last, third, part of the research it was intended to check the knowledge and experience of the participants they gained during their studies. A survey consisting of 30 questions was compiled for research purposes. Participants were required to circle a number on a 4 point rating scale (1 - strongly disagree, 2 - mostly disagree, 3 - mostly agree, 4 - strongly agree.) |