Title Skepticizam i teorije zavjere
Title (english) Skepticism and Conspiracy Theories
Author Mia Bura
Mentor Nebojša Blanuša (mentor)
Committee member Nebojša Blanuša (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Goran Čular (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Stevo Đurašković (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb The Faculty of Political Science Zagreb
Defense date and country 2022-09-14, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Political Science
Abstract Skepticizam je pojam koji se razvio još u staroj Grčkoj. Njegova osnovna pretpostavka je sumnja, ali iz te se sumnje razvila čitava filozofska grana – epistemologija. Prvi dio rada odnosi se upravo na ovaj pojam, te se skepticizam proučava kroz povijest, autore i svoje oblike: Pironizam zahtijeva da se obustavi donošenje svih zaključaka jer je po njihovom viđenju nemoguće ustvrditi da je iti jedna činjenica istinitija ili točnija od druge. Akademski skepticizam nam, u drugu ruku, ipak ostavlja mogućnost donošenja zaključaka i kaže da nijedna činjenica ili znanje nije istinito. Osim ovih antičkih pravaca skepticizma, postoje još i skepticizmi o određenim područjima znanja. Pod specifičan skepticizam smatramo i racionalni ili znanstveni skepticizam koji pretpostavlja sumnju prema bilo kakvim oblicima „znanja“ koji nisu potvrđeni empirijskim dokazima i znanstvenom metodom. Iz znanstvenog skepticizma razvio se čitavi pokret koji ima za cilj podvrgnuti znanstvenim metodama rubna područja znanosti kao što su paranormalna vjerovanja, praznovjerja, pseudoznanost i teorije zavjere. Upravo se teorijama zavjere bavi drugi dio ovoga rada. Teorije zavjere posebno su uzele maha za vrijeme pandemije virusa COVID-19, te je stoga ovo vrijeme osobito bitno u proučavanju zavjera kako bi se pokazale prednosti i mane takvih vjerovanja. Nužno je educirati javnost o tome kako razlučiti znanstvene teorije od teorija zavjera. U trećem dijelu rada koji se bavi usporedbom skeptika i teoretičara zavjera analizom literature dolazi se do zaključka da su teorije zavjere rezultat lakovjernosti, a ne racionalnog skepticizma, te da racionalni skepticizam kod osoba ne vodi vjerovanju, već vodi odbacivanju teorija zavjere.
Abstract (english) Skepticism is a term that was developed in ancient Greece. Its basic assumption is doubt, but from this doubt developed an entire branch of philosophy - epistemology. The first part of the paper refers to the concept of skepticism, its development throughout history, the authors who contributed to it and the types of skepticism: Pyrrhonism demands that all conclusions need to be suspended because, in their viewpoint, it is impossible to assert that one fact is truer or more accurate than another. Academic skepticism, on the other hand, still leaves us with the possibility of drawing conclusions and says that no fact or knowledge is true. In addition to these ancient branches of skepticism, there are also skepticisms about certain areas of knowledge. Under specific skepticism we also consider rational or scientific skepticism, which presupposes doubt towards any forms of "knowledge" that is not confirmed by empirical evidence and the scientific method. Out of scientific skepticism has developed an entire movement that aims to subjugate the fringes of science to the scientific method, such as paranormal beliefs, pseudo-science and conspiracy theories. The second part of this paper deals with conspiracy theories. Conspiracy theories have been especially rampant during the COVID-19 pandemic, and therefore this time is crucially important in the study of conspiracies in order to show the advantages and disadvantages of such beliefs, and to educate the public on how to distinguish scientific theories from conspiracy theories. In the third part of the paper, which deals with the comparison of skeptics and conspiracy theorists, an analysis of the literature leads to the conclusion that conspiracy theories are the result of guillability, not rational skepticism, and that rational skepticism in people leads to the rejection of conspiracy theories.
teorije zavjere
racionalni skepticizam
profil teoretičara zavjere
Keywords (english)
conspiracy theories
rational skepticism
profile of conspiracy theorists
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:114:713551
Study programme Title: Political Science Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra politologije (magistar/magistra politologije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Closed access
Terms of use
Created on 2023-01-13 09:59:07