Abstract | Stoljećima prije ljudi označavali svoje proizvode brendom gdje je glavni cilj bio prepoznati i razlikovati proizvod. Cilj je ostao isti sve do danas. Razlika je u tome što brendovi danas ne označuju samo neki proizvod i njegovu namjenu, oni danas pričaju cijelu priču, donose emociju, uvlače se u kožu potrošača, a u konačnici i upravljaju potrošačima. Svaki brend ima svoj imidž i identitet te se elementima identiteta brenda sve više teži stvoriti nešto drugačije i novo na tržištu, ono što mnogi autori nazivaju “dodana vrijednost”. Zato, brendu nije dovoljno imati samo simbol koji je poznat u svijetu već je potrebno imati cijelu priču zbog koje kupci kupuju određeni brend. Cilj ovog diplomskog rada je metodom ankete istražiti kako pripadnici generacije Z shvaćaju i konzumiraju brendove u svakodnevnom životu. Ispitano je što oni smatraju brendom, koliko društvo utječe na njihov izbor brenda, koliko je utjecaj društvenih mreža zastupljen prilikom odabira brendova te kakve su im kupovne navike. Rezultati su pokazali da ispitanici u najvećoj mjeri brendom smatraju logo te im brend najčešće predstavlja cijenu, a najviše teže provjerenim brendovima koji su dugo na tržištu. Također, ispitanici posjedovanje nekog brenda ne smatraju većom vrijednosti u društvu, niti društvo utječe na njihovu potrebu za posjedovanjem brenda. Iako se najveći broj ispitanika o brendovima informira putem interneta i društvenih mreža, oglašavanje putem društvenih mreža u velikoj mjeri ne utječe na izbor brenda kod ispitanika. Ispitani pripadnici generacije Z kupuju brendove najčešće iz stvarne potrebe za kupnjom proizvoda, a osobno zadovoljstvo najviše utječe na odabir brenda. Više od polovice ispitanika donosi racionalnu odluku o kupnji brenda, te ih više kupuje u trgovini u odnosu na online kupnju. |
Abstract (english) | Centuries ago, people used to mark their products by branding, with the main goal of recognizing and differentiating a certain product. This has not changed until this very day. The difference is that today’s brands do not only represent the product and its purpose, but they also tell a story, evoke emotions, get under the consumers’ skin, and, finally, even control them. Each brand has its image and identity, and the elements of this identity are increasingly being sought to create something different and new on the market. Many authors call this “added value”. Because of this, it is not enough for a brand to only have a symbol for which it is recognized in the world, but it also needs an entire story that makes the customers purchase it. The main goal of this major thesis is to explore, by conducting a questionnaire, how members of Generation Z perceive and use brands in everyday life. What has been questioned is what they think a brand is, how much society affects their choice of brands, how prominent the effect of social networks is while choosing a brand, and what their buying habits are. According to the results, most of the participants think a brand is a logo, and that it usually represents a price. Also, they mostly tend to rely on trusted brands that have a longer tradition on the market. Moreover, the participants do not think that owning a certain brand means higher social status, nor that society has an influence on their need for acquiring it. Even though most of the participants find information about brands online, social network marketing does not have a great influence on picking a brand. The members of Generation Z who took the questionnaire usually purchase brands due to an existing need for the product, and what has the greatest impact on them while choosing between brands is their personal satisfaction. More than half of them make rational decisions when buying brands, and they mostly make their purchases in physical stores. |