Title Novi obrasci u medijskim prikazima žene 21. stoljeća - analiza narativa poželjnih osobina ličnosti žene u reklamama za parfem
Title (english) New Patterns in Media Depictions of the 21 Century Woman - A Narrative Analysis of Desirable Personality Characteristic of a Woman in Perfume Advertisements
Author Lana Gajger
Mentor Viktorija Car (mentor)
Committee member Viktorija Car (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Antonija Čuvalo (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Igor Kanižaj (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb The Faculty of Political Science (Department of Media and Communication) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2019-09-19, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Information and Communication Sciences Journalism
Abstract Četvrti val feminizma donio je novi uzlet feminističkom pokretu, a na to su osobit utjecaj imale slavne žene koje svojim djelovanjem utjelovljuju i naglašavaju poželjnost emancipiranosti kao osobine žene 21. stoljeća. Cilj ovog diplomskog rada bio je utvrditi kako se u reklamama za ženske parfeme ideja emancipacije kao poželjne osobine žene koristi u marketinške svrhe. Metodom analize narativa analizirano je pet reklama za različite parfeme koje su nastale u razdoblju od 2011. do 2016. godine. Analizom rodnih normi, aspekta poželjnosti, osobina ličnosti i ponašanja ženskih protagonistica analiziranih reklama, kroz teorijski okvir postfeminizma i četvrtog vala feminizma, istražio se koncept emancipirane žene 21. stoljeća.
Pritom se nastojalo odgovoriti na sljedeća istraživačka pitanja: Na koji način suvremeni mediji koriste ideju emancipacije u analiziranim reklamama ženskih parfema? Kroz koje se osobine ličnosti i ponašanja u analiziranim reklamama oblikuje koncept ženske poželjnosti? Na koji se način u analiziranim reklamama korištenje parfema povezuje s odbacivanjem rodnih normi? U kakvom su odnosu iskazivanje ženske seksualnosti i postojeće rodne norme? Na koji se način u analiziranim reklamama oblikuje percepcija poželjnog i nepoželjnog ponašanja žene 21. stoljeća?
U skladu s postfeminizmom i četvrtim valom feminizma, zajedničke karakteristike protagonistica analiziranih reklama su odlučnost s izraženim osjećajem samosvijesti, buntovnost, neovisnost, samostalnost i jednakost s muškarcima. Kad je riječ o njihovim osobinama ličnosti, one su ekstrovertirane, asertivne i sklone traženju uzbuđenja, kompetentne i orijentirane na uspjeh. Sve protagonistice sklone su liberalnim vrijednostima te odbacivanju rodnih normi i stereotipa, ali su istovremeno prikazane kao izrazito seksualno atraktivne žene, koje utjelovljuju tradicionalni ženstveni ideal mršavosti te podliježu suvremenim modnim konvencijama. Pritom stvaraju zasebnu kognitivnu kategoriju rodnih stereotipa: klaster „intelektualne seks bombe“. Izuzev ideala mršavosti i želje za privlačenjem pažnje muškaraca, koji se smatraju odrednicama tradicionalnog poimanja ženstvenosti, ponašanje ženskih protagonistica izrazito odgovara karakteristikama postfeminističkog poimanja ženstvenosti te podržava temeljnu odrednicu postfeminizma i četvrtog vala feminizma – ideju emancipacije.
Analiza je potvrdila premisu da se u analiziranim reklamama za ženske parfeme ideja emancipacije kao poželjne osobine žene komodificira i koristi u marketinške svrhe u duhu kapitalističkog društva u kojem živimo.
Abstract (english) The fourth wave of feminism pushed forward the feminist movement, which was particularly affected by famous women whose pursuits embody and emphasize the desirability of emancipation as a 21st century woman's trait. The main goal of this graduate thesis was to determine the ways in which female perfume commercials use the idea of emancipation as a desirable female trait for marketing purposes. Using narrative analysis, five different perfume commercials made from 2011 to 2016 were inspected. The concept of an emancipated woman of the 21st century was investigated by using gender norm analysis, aspects of desirability, personality traits and behavioral patterns of the female protagonists in the commercials, through the theoretical framework of postfeminism and the fourth wave of feminism.
The questions that were put forward in this process were: in what way does modern media use the idea of emancipation in the analyzed female perfume commercials? Which personality traits and behavioral patterns in these commercials form the concept of female desirability? In what way is perfume consumption connected to the rejection of gender norms? What is the relationship between expressing female sexuality and the existing gender norm? In what way is the perception of the desirable and undesirable behavior of a 21st century woman formed in the analyzed commercials?
In accordance with postfeminism and the fourth wave of feminism, mutual characteristics of the protagonists in the analyzed commercials are determination with the accentuated sense of self-awareness, insurgence, independence, autonomy, and equality with men. When it comes to their personality traits, they are extroverted, assertive and prone to seeking excitement, competent and success oriented. All of the protagonists are inclined to liberal values and reject gender norms and stereotypes, but are at the same time portrayed as extremely sexually attractive women which embody a traditional female ideal of fitness and succumb to modern fashion conventions. By doing so, they create a separate cognitive category of gender stereotypes: a cluster of an "intellectual sex bomb". Apart from the fitness ideal and the desire to attract the male attention, which are considered the determinants of the traditional notion of femininity, the behavior of the female protagonists almost completely matches the characteristics of the postfeminist understanding of femininity, and supports the fundamental determinant of postfeminism and the fourth wave of feminism – the idea of emancipation. The analysis has confirmed the premise that the idea of emancipation as a desirable female trait is commodified in the analyzed female perfume commercials and used for marketing purposes in the spirit of the capitalist society that we live in.
četvrti val feminizma
celebrity feminizam
rodne norme
analiza narativa
Keywords (english)
fourth wave of feminism
celebrity feminism
gender norms
narative analysis
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:114:929990
Study programme Title: Journalism Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra novinarstva (magistar/magistra novinarstva)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
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Created on 2019-11-22 10:54:06