Title Istraživanje efektivnosti sustava upravljanja kvalitetom
Title (english) Investigation of quality managementsystem effectivenes
Author Leon Maglić
Mentor Vedran Mudronja (mentor)
Committee member Nikola Šakić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Vedran Mudronja (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Vjera Krstelj (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Niko Majdandžić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture Zagreb
Defense date and country 2008-08-23, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline TECHNICAL SCIENCES Mechanical Engineering
Universal decimal classification (UDC ) 658 - Business management, administration. Commercial organization
Abstract Cilj ovoga rada je istražiti utjecaje na pojavu odstupanja pri uvođenju i primjeni sustava upravljanja kvalitetom prema normi ISO 9001:2000 u hrvatskim tvrtkama. Istraživanje je provedeno na aktualnim sustavima pri praktičnoj primjeni zahtjeva sustava upravljanja kvalitetom. Opisani su zahtjevi sustava upravljanja kvalitetom prema normi ISO 9001:2000. Zahtjevi su prikazani kroz točke norme. Objašnjen je pojam audita uz pomoć kojega se provjerava ispunjenje zahtjeva sustava upravljanja kvalitetom. Definirani su načini provođenja audita koji su korišteni u ovom istraživanju. Prikazana je podjela audita i zahtjevi za auditore. U istraživanju je obuhvaćeno 25 hrvatskih tvrtki u društvenom i privatnom vlasništvu, različitih djelatnosti i različite veličine. Sustavi upravljanja kvalitetom ovih organizacija su detaljno praćeni kroz četiri godine. Prikupljeni su podaci o obavljenim internim auditima iz tih organizacija, a autor rada je osobno provodio eksterne audite u svim organizacijama koje su obuhvaćene istraživanjem. Odstupanja uočena na auditima su grupirana prema zahtjevima sustava upravljanja kvalitetom. Ovi su podaci podvrgnuti analizi kako bi se utvrdio utjecaj veličine organizacije, vrste djelatnosti te vrste vlasništva na pojavu odstupanja od zahtjeva norme ISO 9001:2000. Korištene su metode Pareto analize, testa kontigencije i korelacije ranga po Spearmanu. Analizom rezultata internih i eksternih audita kvalitete određeni su oni zahtjevi sustava upravljanja kvalitetom, kod kojih postoje teškoće tijekom primjene. Za svaki takav zahtjev pruženo je objašnjenje uzroka pojave nesukladnosti. Ovi nalazi će biti vrlo korisni za sve koji primjenjuju zahtjeve norme ISO 9001:2000 u svojim organizacijama. Rezultati istraživanja pokazuju značajne razlike u provođenju zahtjeva za sustave upravljanja kvalitetom u organizacijama s privatnim i društvenim vlasništvom, te u manjim i većim organizacijama. Zahtjevi norme ISO 9001:2000 kod kojih se javljaju te razlike su određeni i objašnjeni. Međutim, vrsta djelatnosti kojom se organizacija bavi, nema utjecaja na pojavu odstupanja od zahtjeva norme ISO 9001:2000. Dakle, zahtjevi norme su jednako primjenjivi u svim organizacijama, bez obzira na vrstu djelatnosti.
Abstract (english) The objective of this work is to investigate influence of non-conformities at implementing and application of quality management system according to requirements of ISO 9001:2000. Investigation is performed on authentic systems during practical implementation of quality management systems in organizations. Requirements of quality management system according to ISO 9001:2000 are described. These requirements are defined by provisions of the norm ISO 9001:2000. Notion of audit is explained. Audit is used to check fulfillment of requirements of the norm. Procedures for execution of audits used for the purpose of this investigation are defined. Types of audit categorization and requirements for auditors are presented, too. Investigation includes 25 Croatian companies, with different scopes of activity, number of employees and type of ownership. Quality management systems of these companies were monitored in detail for four years. Internal audit reports were collected from companies, and author himself performed external audits at companies that were included in this investigation. Non-conformities that were issued at audits are grouped according to requirements of norm ISO 9001:2000. This data are analyzed to determine influence of number of employees, type of activity and ownership to non-conformities at quality management systems. Statistical analysis techniques of Pareto analysis, contingency tests and Spearman correlation rank analysis are performed. Analysis of internal and external quality audits results was used to determine those quality management system requirements, that were dificult to implement. For each of those requirements, explanation of cause of non conformity is given. These findings will be very useful for those who are implementing requirements of norm ISO 9001:2000 in their organisations. Results show significant differences at implementation of quality management system requirements at private and state owned companies, and at smaller and big companies. Requirements of norm ISO 9001:2000 for which differences were found, are defined and explained. However, type of activity that is performed in audited organization is not significant for non-conformities of quality management system. Therefore, requirements of norm ISO 9001:2000 are applicable at all kind of organizations, regardless of the activity they perform.
sustavi upravljanja kvalitetom
ISO 9001:2000
Keywords (english)
quality management system
ISO 9001:2000: audits
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:235:411245
Study programme Title: Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture Study programme type: university Study level: postgraduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje tehničkih znanosti (doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje tehničkih znanosti)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2020-12-04 14:57:11