Kolak, Gordan Scientific master's theses Defence date: 2021. Function: mentor |
Bolanča, Antonijo Professional thesis Defence date: 24.02.2016. Function: mentor |
Nikolić, Boris Master's thesis Defence date: 03.12.2015. Function: mentor |
Kunšt, Andrea Master's thesis Defence date: 16.07.2015. Function: mentor |
Rašić, Marko Master's thesis Defence date: 16.07.2015. Function: mentor |
Šimunović, Vedran Doctoral thesis Defence date: 23.04.2014. Function: mentor |
Katić, Marko Doctoral thesis Defence date: 07.05.2013. Function: mentor |
Butković, Ivan Master's thesis Defence date: 19.05.2012. Function: mentor |
Maras, Marko Master's thesis Defence date: 26.01.2012. Function: mentor |
Kos, Josip Master's thesis Defence date: 21.11.2011. Function: mentor |
Štajdohar-Pađen, Olga Professional thesis Defence date: 16.09.2011. Function: mentor Elementi osiguranja kvalitete kod izgradnje elektroenergetskih objekata, University of Zagreb, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture |
Medić, Srđan Doctoral thesis Defence date: 13.09.2011. Function: mentor |
Boroša, Ivan Undergraduate thesis Defence date: 13.07.2011. Function: mentor |
Drožđan, Ivica Master's thesis Defence date: 07.07.2011. Function: mentor |
Maričić, Danijel Master's thesis Defence date: 07.07.2011. Function: mentor |
Remenar, Mario Master's thesis Defence date: 2011. Function: mentor |
Deković, Tomislav Master's thesis Defence date: 25.02.2010. Function: mentor |
Hlapčić, Jurica Master's thesis Defence date: 19.11.2009. Function: mentor |
Rumbak, Slavko Doctoral thesis Defence date: 06.05.2009. Function: mentor |
Živković, Veljko Master's thesis Defence date: 26.03.2009. Function: mentor |
Škugor, Jerko Master's thesis Defence date: 26.02.2009. Function: mentor |
Hržan, Matija Undergraduate thesis Defence date: 19.02.2009. Function: mentor |
Remenar, Maja Master's thesis Defence date: 20.11.2008. Function: mentor |
Kondić, Živko Scientific master's theses Defence date: 17.11.2008. Function: mentor |
Maglić, Leon Doctoral thesis Defence date: 23.08.2008. Function: mentor |