Abstract | U sklopu rada je obrađena tema sve više rastuće tehnologije čija je primarna namjena povećanje
sigurnosti pri radu te olakšavanje prikupljanja informacija pri ispitivanjima. U radu je prikazan
nastanak konstrukcijske izvedbe lokomotornog sustava robota penjača za inspekciju stanja
ravne te zakrivljene površine. U uvodu su opisane karakteristične značajke robota penjača poput
načina ostvarivanja adhezije na površini te sustava za gibanje. Potom je provedena analiza
dosadašnjih izvedbi robota penjača te je opisana problematika prianjanja pri adheziji na
zakrivljenim površinama. Nakon izrade funkcijske dekompozicije te morfološke matrice koja
prikazuje tehnička rješenja pojedinih funkcija, izrađeni su prvi koncepti. U završnim je
poglavljima prikazana konačna funkcionalna izvedba mehatroničkog modula za upravljanje
kuta naginjanja i skretanja kotača robota te je predloženo upravljačko sklopovlje. Usporedno s
proračunom te 3D modelima modula, napravljen je prikaz različitih izvedbi povezivanja
modula s konstrukcijom robota. Na kraju su prikazani doneseni zaključci tijekom razvoja
koncepta te je priložena odgovarajuća tehnička dokumentacija konstrukcijskih elemenata. |
Abstract (english) | The final assignment deals with the topic of a increasingly growing technology, which puts
safety at work and the simplification of collecting data during various tests, as the main priority.
In the assignment, the creation of a locomotion mechanism for a climbing robot, used for the
conditional inspection of a flat and curved surface, is shown. First, an introduction was made,
describing the characteristic features of climbing robots such as, how to achieve the proper
adhesion to a surface and what are the different locomotion systems for moving. Then, there
was an analysis of the performances of up to date climbing robots, carried out, as well as the
main problems of the adhesion principles onto curved surfaces. After creating a functional
decomposition and a morphological matrix that shows the technical solutions for particular
functions, the first concepts were made. The final chapters present the final functional version
of the mechatronic module for controlling the roll and yaw angle of robot wheels as well as the
control configuration. Parallel with the calculations and the development of a 3D model, a brief
review of different designs for the connection of the module to the robot construction, was
made. Finally, the conclusions that were made during the development of the mechatronic
module, were presented. Also, at the end, the appropriate technical documentation of the
structural elements was attached. |