Author Laura Ćosić
Mentor Vlatka Sotošek Tokmadžić (mentor)
Committee member Aleks Finderle (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Miljenko Manestar (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Vlatka Sotošek Tokmadžić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Rijeka Faculty of Health Studies (Department of Clinical Sciences 2) Rijeka
Defense date and country 2018-09-27, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Clinical Medical Sciences Anesthesiology and Reanimatology
Abstract Menopauza je prirodno razdoblje u životu žene, a ne bolest. Ona je rezultat smanjne proizvodnje spolnih hormona u jajnicima i to progesterona, estrogena i testosterona. Period u kojem većina žena ulazi u menopauzu je dob od 45 do 55 godina. Veliki broj žena se najviše tuži na valove vrućine i noćno znojenje. Najunčikovitiji način liječenja upravo tih simptoma je hormonska nadomjesna terapija. Valovi vrućine se mogu umanjiti čak za 80%-90% pojavnosti. Hormonska nadomjesna terapija (HNT) ili hormonsko nadomjesno liječenje (HNL) je naziv za skupinu lijekova koji se koriste kod žena s nedostatkom estrogena. Hormonska nadomjesna terapija najčešće se primjenjuje u perimenopauzi i postmenopauzi. Najkasnije 2 -3 godine nakon menopauze treba početi s primjenom hormona, jer se samo tada može očekivati pozitivan učinak HNT- e na simptome nedostatka estrogena. Hormonska nadomjesna terapija nosi određene rizike. Rizici koji mogu nastati ovise o dobi žene kada je počela uzimati terapiju, vrsti preparata, dozi hormona, putu unosa i trajanju. Četiri su vrste hormonsske nadomjesne terapije i to konbinirana hormonska nadomjesna terapija sa estrogenom i progesteronom ( progesteron štiti od nastanka raka endometrija), za žene koje nisu imale histerektomiju, hormonska nadomjesna terapija samo sa estrogenom za žene koje nemaju maternicu jer su imale histerektomiju, HNT sa estrogenom uz dodatnu primjenu testosterona za malde žene kojima su odstranjena oba janika i maternica. Ako su odstranjenja nastala radi endometrioze propisuju se estrogen i progesteron zbog spriječavanja reaktivacije endometrioze., vaginalna primjena estrogena za žene sa simptomina suhoće rodnice, svrbeža ili bolnog snošaja. Cilja ovoga rada bio prikazati hormonsku terapija u menopauzi, odnosno koji su koristi i rizici njezine primjene.
Abstract (english) Menopause is a natural time in a woman's life, not a disease. It is the result of reduced production of sex hormones in the ovaries and progesterone, estrogen and testosterone. The period in which most women enter menopause are between 45 and 55 years. A large number of women are most susceptible to heat waves and night sweats. The most effective way of treating these symptoms is hormone replacement therapy. Heat waves can be reduced even by 80% -90% of occurrence. Hormone Replacement Therapy (HNT) is the name for a group of drugs used in women with estrogen deficiency. Hormone replacement therapy is most commonly used in perimenopause and postmenopausal women. At least 2 to 3 years after menopause, hormone therapy should be initiated, as only then can the HNT's positive effect be expected for the symptoms of estrogen deficiency. Hormone replacement therapy carries certain risks. Risks that may occur depend on the age of the woman when she started to take the therapy, the type of preparation, the hormone dose, the route of intake and duration. There are four types of hormone replacement therapy and this is a concurrent hormone replacement therapy with estrogen and progesterone (progesterone protects against endometrial cancer), for women without hysterectomy, hormone replacement therapy with estrogen alone for women without a uterus because of hysterectomy, HNT with estrogen with additional testosterone use for the scarce women who were removed from both the janitor and the uterus. If removals are created for endometriosis, estrogen and progesterone are prescribed for preventing re-activation of endometriosis. Vaginal application of estrogen for women with symptom of dryness of the vagina, itching or painful sleepiness. The aim of this paper was to show the hormone therapy in menopause, ie the benefits and risks of its use.
hormonsko nadomjesno liječenje
valovi vrućine
Keywords (english)
hot waves
hormone replacement therapy
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:184:720697
Study programme Title: Professional study of Midwifery (Biomedicine and Healthcare; clinical medical sciences) - Part-time study program Study programme type: professional Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: stručni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) sestrinstva (stručni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) sestrinstva)
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Created on 2018-11-05 10:09:59