Abstract | Kada se govori o kvaliteti tiska zna se da je to nešto bez čega se u današnje vrijeme ne može poslovati. Sama kvaliteta tiska ovisi o tehnološkim mogućnostima koje tiskara posjeduje, a razvoj grafičke tehnologije posljednjih desetljeća to i omogućuje te se grafički proizvod može dovesti do visokog stupnja kvalitete. Problem koji se javlja jest novac koji je potrebno investirati u edukaciju zaposlenika, mjernu opremu, software i certifikate. Na taj način tiskara dokazuje da radi kvalitetne proizvode temeljene prema propisanim procedurama priznatim od strane ISO međunarodne organizacije. Može se reći da takvim načinom poslovanja tvrtka gubi određeni novac, ali dugoročno gledano ona je na dobitku, odnosno umjesto gubitka novaca od reklamacija, što danas klijenti često, ponekad neopravdano iskorištavaju, uložila je u svoje napredovanje. Standardizacija je nužan postupak s ciljem postizanja bolje kvalitete, sigurnosti, efikasnosti i ekonomičnosti i na taj način ne samo da jamči kvalitetu krajnjem korisniku, već olakšava procese i poslovanje unutar tvrtke. Kada se govori o kvaliteti ofsetnog tiska postoji opisan standardizirani proces, tzv. PSO koji se temelji na tehničkoj normi za offset tisak ISO 12647-2. Postupak tiska je definiran ISO 12647-2, te on opisuje samo krajnje rezultate i nema mogućnosti PSO certifikacije. Nakon standardiziranja procesa, dobiveni certifikat u skladu sa ISO i PSO normama, vrijedi dvije godine nakon koje se proces ponavlja. Cilj ovog rada je pomoću izmjerenih vrijednosti prije procesa standardizacije i vrijednosti nakon standardizacije, dokazati da je bez profiliranog i kalibriranog procesa nemoguće poslovati i zadovoljiti zatjeve tržišta, jer je kvaliteta postala mjerljiva, provjerljiva i izvodiva. |
Abstract (english) | When we talk about print quality in the graphic technology we can easily say it is one of the crucial things in making a successful business relationship. That same print quality depends on technological resources and possibilities that each of printing offices owns at the moment. With a view on development and growth of graphic technology over the past few decades, it can clearly be seen how the quality of a graphic product can be led to a high degree quality. The problem that appears mostly is the money which needs to be invested into an education of employees, measuring equipment, software, and certificates. This way the printing facility/office proves their quality based on prescribed procedures approved by ISO international organization. It can be said that with this approach company loses amounts of money in short term period but when it comes to long term strategy it is an investment for the future. Also, there is one more thing clients are unduly exploiting and abusing and that is making complaints on a product which represents an additional cost that could have been avoided and invested into improvements of facility/office. Standardization is a necessary procedure with a goal to improve better quality, safety, efficiency, and economy. This way the quality is not only guaranteed to the final customer but also eases processes and management within a company. Speaking about the quality of offset printing there is a descriptive standardized process called PSO which is based on the technical norm for offset printing ISO 12647-2. Printing procedure is defined by ISO 12647-2 and it describes only the final results and has no possibilities of PSO certification. After standardization of the process, the given certificate is accordant to ISO and PSO standards. and it is valid for 2 years from the date. After that period the process is repeated. The purpose of this work is to prove that it is impossible running a successful business and satisfying market demands without measured values before and after standardization process because quality became measurable, testable and feasible. |